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Everything posted by MC3craze

  1. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=5881.0 Its in that thread.
  2. What I\'m saying is are you going to make it compatible with other mod packs? It won\'t matter to me because I\'ll just rebalance them anyway and keep your numbers in their own installation.
  3. Ahh, so it\'ll coexist with the standard game, but still balanced differently? Also, have you considered making a version balanced for the mainline game? I\'m cool with whatever decision you make.
  4. Woo! Looks like we got another mod pack entering the second generation!
  5. Makes a lot of sense. I like it. I\'m just used to powered aircraft landings.
  6. I really don\'t like the Vixen, seems pretty useless. Also I finally got Master Rocket Scientist status.
  7. It also may have to do with the game lacking proper wings.
  8. You can use anything as a heatshield really. Even a big clump of fuel tanks.
  9. That\'s odd, I usually see pitching down due to low velocity. But I fly planes with joysticks usually.
  10. A space window basically. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cupola_(ISS_module)
  11. I know, I messed with this mod back when the new texture was first released.
  12. Wow, that\'s a good texture, too bad it looks terrible when on the model.
  13. I built a replica, but I didn\'t get much lag. I got a little when I decided to do a low Mun orbit, but that was because I went 2km sec.
  14. It\'s a little thing called a joke. Don\'t get upset over nothing man.
  15. I like the RCS jetpack. Its like an MMU the astronauts use on the ISS.
  16. I really can\'t wait. Are you going to include a launcher craft file? So people can try your Ausplane without fumbling about with different rockets. Seems like a good idea to me.
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