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Posts posted by JFXAM

  1. On 27/10/2017 at 8:09 PM, MOARdV said:

    A similar problem happens with external cameras in RasterPropMonitor.  It appears (in the RPM case, at least) that scatterer is doing "something" during the render, but it's not using the external camera's parameters.  Instead, it looks like it's using the main game camera's parameters (like something in the shader wasn't updated based on the external camera's Camera settings, perhaps).

    Any way to fix it?

  2. The mod looks incredible, however, I found an issue when using BD Armory Continued. When I launch a craft equiped with a FLIR Targeting ball (A part from BDA that is a camera) and use said part, something really strange happens. On the camera screen, instead of showing what the camera would see, it blends togheter the external view with the camera's view. I found out that it was your mod which caused that by testing on a clean installation (only BD Armory and "physics range extended", as it is a dependency) and the camera worked fine. However, when I added your mod, the camera was broken again. 

    I have to point out that the same issue also happens with previous versions of BD Armory, where "physics range extender" was not required (and not installed), so it has nothing to do with that mod.

    Reproducing the issue is very easy; Make any type of vessel (rocket or plane), add a FLIR Targeting Ball and a weapon manager (although this last part is optional) then take off and use the camera by either right clicking on it and hitting enable, or by clicking on it in the Weapons Manager modules tab. Finally turn the FLIR camera around using the small arrow buttons on the window that will pop up and turn drag the game's camera by right clicking and dragging your mouse.


    Note how the camera on top is pointing up.


    Edit: I forgot to mention that I'm running version 1.3.0


  3. 4 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

    @JFXAM Hey, I'll need to see a copy of your KSP.log in order to see what is disrupting the behavior . especially as @XOC2008 has run a similar craft with no issues.

    Try this procedure

    Launch submarine, start engine, start fuel . start oxy generator.

    Select large center tank with a fast pump, most sections have a ballast pump, there are fast and slow versions of the pump.

    Activate SAS and switch on ballast pump, allow sub to sink until main body is almost submerged . STOP

    Turn off fast pump. select slow pump,  now using slow pump submerge until deck is just awash, stop,   now select the stern drive section and isolate that ballast water flow, this prevents any more ballast entering the tank,  continue to submerge.

    Apply a touch of forward speed  and watch how sub behaves, if the stern drops,  select stern taper, pin the PAW, select bow tank pin the PAW, now using advanced tweakables transfer some ballast from the stern taper to the bow tank.

    Rinse and repeat until sub trim suits you.

    While this sounds like a lot of messing about, with familiarity all this can be done in pretty much one go and quickly, and as XOC mentions it's possible to get the subs to hang motionless and level at any depth.

    I'll do some images etc to clarify any points shortly.

    Whoa... Uh thanks for the assistance, but I think that this is waay too complicated for a ship I barely use. This was more out of curiosity than anything else, just to see if anyone else had the same isssue. Weird to see I'm the only one. In any case, sorry for the inconvinence, I'll just stick to the  normal ships now on. I mean, I didn't really have much use for the subs anyway. If it helps for others, what logs do you need? 

    BTW, all ballasts fill up when selecting "fast dive" and thats the only way I can get the sub to sink. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

    Edit: You mention Advanced Tweakables. I don't have such thing. All I have is Tweakscale. (Maybe is the same thing? I don't know)

  4. 1 hour ago, XOC2008 said:

    @SpannerMonkey(smce) I don't personally see anything wrong with the build of this guy's submarine, and I am at a loss here. I went back in and tested pretty much the same setup in my game and everything is fine, and with ballast balanced out I can sit submerged at any depth with no movement.

    As I said before, it works just fine when only SM Marine is loaded. Whenever I use the rest of my mods, then that's a different story. 

  5. On 7/9/2017 at 8:49 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

    Hi, do you run any mods that change water physics in any way?   Have you scaled any part of the submarine?,  Do you have advanced tweakables activated so that you can trim individual tanks to suit the build of your sub?  Can i see a screenshot of the vessel in question?

    Hi, as far as I know, I don't have any mod that could change water phyisics or have Tweakscaled anything. The mods I have only add vehicle parts, and the ones that change gameplay are: Fuelwings, Tweakscale, WASD editor, Extended Hangar, mechjeb, Hyperedit, BDArmory (with a couple of expansions)  SCANsat and vessel mover.  


    The vessel has only parts from SM Marine and BDarsenal. I tried serveral variations (Placing the conning tower in the rear, adding a full/empty torpedo bay, a full/empty VLS hull part) and same result. Also, this version in particular has the "premade" stern, with the prop and rudders, the normal bow (without torpedo tubes) and the conning tower with rudders and no other parts from other mods. 

    Sorry for the late reply

  6. I love this mod but I have an issue with the big submarine. Whenever I dive, the submarine will pitch upwards. It can be "solved" by going full throttle, but when remaining stationary, the sub will pitch up on a 30 degree angle.  I tried a lot of part combinations and even adding a lot of RCS ports but no avail. Could be a mod compatibility issue? Now that I think about it, I have FuelWings loaded. I'll dissable it and try again. 

    Edit: It's not FuelWings but definetly a mod conflct. I removed everything (except Squad, SM_Marine and SM_Industries) from my GameData and it worked fine.



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