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Everything posted by cpc20

  1. Version: 1.1.3 Problem: In my RSS/RO/RP-0 install of KSP, I can not see water. I only see the ocean floor, but the water is able to land in (when i splashed I didnt hit the ocean floor) Mods: Log:
  2. Ok, my reproduction steps are: #1: Download and Install a bunch of mods to a single modpack #2: Figured out probem #3: Reinstall all mods via CKAN #4: Find all modded installs do not open #5: Do Tests
  3. KSP Version: 1.0.5-1.2 Mods: All mods in my multiple KSP installs. OS: Mac OSX El Captain Log: Not Created Problem: KSP installs outside of steam do not start at all. All my installs worked a few days ago, but now nothing works. All mods are up to date, and the problem also persists around my stock backups. Anything useful helps. Thank You, Chris
  4. KSP Version: 1.1.3 Issue: Not Starting Mods: All Recommended RSS, RO, and RP-0 mods, and more. Gamedata Image: Log: Anything helps. Thank you.
  5. @Felbourn, Do you have a CKAN file for this series that I can use?
  6. Does anyone know of any good MechJeb ascent guidance profile for the Soyuz 7K-OK-A? I have Realism Overhaul, RSS, RP-0, and most of the recommended mods for them. Im on version 1.1.2
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