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Everything posted by EBOSHI

  1. これはMODではなくおそらくオプションの「拡張噴射時間」だと思います。 KSC画面のセッティングから設定できると思います。もしそこになければスタートメニューのセッティングを探してみてください。
  2. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows11 | CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700 2.10 GHz | GPU: GTX3060 | RAM: 32GB The Japanese mission description states that the mission will orbit Minmus with an "orbital inclination of 45 degrees," but the English version does not have such conditions, so the description needs to be revised. Included Attachments: .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  3. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows11 | CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700 2.10 GHz | GPU: GTX3060 | RAM: 32GB To accomplish the "Lonely Satellite" mission, it is necessary to mount an antenna on the tatellite, but the Japanese explanation does not mention this. Needs fixing. Included Attachments:
  4. I might be able to help the Japanese and KSP.

  5. I am grateful that the development team are seriously responding to our Kanji and Chinese Hanzi. Because languages are themselves cultures, they can not be replaced directly, but there are many ways to convey intent.
  6. Thank you and your all works. bon voyage! It is immeasurable how this parting influences development of KSP. However, I believe that KSP continues evolving and hope that KSP shines like a fixed star in the game industry.
  7. It is very good news. It was unexpected to be able to update not only Asteroid Day but also KerbinCup!
  8. Is there the function to display TWR and ΔV to a screen? I think that KSP is developing now. Anyway, I hope that the console edition succeeds! And I believe the future development and glory of the PC version!
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