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Posts posted by acerarity

  1. 6 hours ago, loves ksp mods said:

    i have installed it like you said but now the weapon manager says now weapon manager found when i have 1 on my craft  and still says now weapon manager found it is annoying 



    also tsar bomb does not explode

    well I have that problem with the tsar too, so thats normal, but make sure the weapon manager is on the craft, and didn't break off, and make sure its the weapon manager and not one of the other extra things

    *Edit* Its kinda hard for me to troubleshoot problems when im not the one controlling things

  2. 22 hours ago, loves ksp mods said:

    hey i cant find my weapon manager in bdarmoury with north kerbin dynamics i use 1.3 mods for 1.3 kerbal space program and i installed it in two ways first i copied north kerbin dynamics to the bdarmoury folder inside of game data couldent find weapon manager then i deleted bdarmoury and reinstalled it 1.3 and put the folders inside of north kerbin dynamics into freshly installed 1.3 bdarmoury still no weapon manager so please help ;.;


    ok thx i will try it

    First: don't do anything with the files other then transfer whats in the mods Gamedata folder inside the KSP gamedata folder, You don't have to put one mod folder into the other, just put what comes with each mod under the Gamedata folder into the KSP's gamedata folder
    Second: the weapon manager is near the bottom of the BDarmory list in the hanger (as far as I know) and you can't search for it (at-least I can't) because its not part of the "search" program yet
    Third: Ask @SpannerMonkey(smce) or @harpwner as they are more knowledgeable on KSP's inner workings

  3. We are coming for you, and we are not messing around...



    More images coming Soon...

    (Read this as a separate post: as I was building and testing this, I noticed that I was only running at 12 fps on the lowest possible graphics settings lol, and the scuds are just for show as I cannot actually access the GPS coordinator to set a target lol, so this thing was a flop and I just made it as a giant useless ship that can literally one-hit anything, and take out all of KSC in under a second)

  4. On 10/10/2017 at 7:15 PM, thewisekid said:

    Finally figured it out and yes it was because the craft was too light. I used another mod CVX to get a round about of how heavy it somewhat needed to be and holy smokes the difference. But that's been sorted and I finally got around to a project I've been wanting to do.

    This is my USS America inspired by deviant art user bagera3005.

    Now to make a larger, and more deadly ship to be the lead for that carrier "MwuaHaHaHaHa"

  5. 4 hours ago, thewisekid said:

    Finally figured it out and yes it was because the craft was too light. I used another mod CVX to get a round about of how heavy it somewhat needed to be and holy smokes the difference. But that's been sorted and I finally got around to a project I've been wanting to do.

    This is my USS America inspired by deviant art user bagera3005.

    The CIA and DoD call it "Project Overkill" lol

  6. I know its been a long time since I posted here, and a long time since I played KSP, but here is something I just started today, and am mostly done, its loosely based on this:


    and I kinda added my own flair to it, I still have to add lights, and some super small details, but other then that, its done, hope you enjoy! :)

    (side note: it was created with parts from here, and SM marine, and can't remember where the gun is from, but its some BDA mod, and all this was done is 1.2, not 1.3 as I have not updated yet)

  7. 9 hours ago, TheUltimateJimbob said:

    Yeah, I tried using both the attachment modes, different rails from other mods, and I tried offsetting the missile off the rail to prevent clipping. 

    There are 4 nodes on the BD rails, bottom, right, left, and the node for attaching the rail to the plane. Try placing the missiles on the rails via surface attach, rather then using the nodes. I have never heard of anybody having this glitch before (If its even a glitch), so you might be doing it wrong, post screenshots of the missile on the rails

  8. 1 hour ago, TheUltimateJimbob said:

    Hi, I have an issue where when I fire the missile it doesn't actually decouple but the rocket fires so It blows up my plane. Is this a well known issue and is there some way to fix it?

    Well this is a new one I have never heard before.

    Are you sure you are putting the missile on the rail, and the right way (Not half inside the pylon, or anything)

  9. 14 hours ago, St4rCrush3r said:

    I'm having issues with this mod. From what I understand I have installed it correctly (pic below), and the missiles and bombs I can select and place on my ships in-game. Except when I launch a missile or drop a bomb, the explosion is just a normal explosion. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!



    You installed it wrong, inside that folder is a GameData folder, and you want to take the contents of the gamedata folder out of it, and put it into the KSP GameData folder (its the same for every mod)

  10. 2 hours ago, Im_M said:

    Havin a little bit of an issue with the AK230. It's aiming point is well above the intended aiming point. This is also affecting the guard mode as it will not engage any fast moving vessels or missiles further than 500m due to the offset of its aiming point. Is there anything that can be done to fix this issue? I've fixed any issues Ive had with KSP on my own but this one is beyond me. Spoiler contains images of the issue. I'd appreciate any help anyone can give.

      Hide contents



    Image of a close aiming point.


    Aim point approx 1km away.




    Never had this problem with the AK230, but I haven't used it in a while, so my Data might be a bit out of date

  11. 1 hour ago, DarthVader said:

    Taking requests? I'd like a offshore supply ship like Go Quest/Searcher. 

    its easy to make one, just use IR, with docking ports, and KIS magnets or something, and then use parts from other mods to build the shape of it, and use the hulls from LBP and/or SM marine. I worked on one, and it turned out well, but i changed computers, and didn't transfer my ships

  12. 3 hours ago, PF45 said:

    Just downloaded it, and it appears to be the version I have -- no gamedata folder. It contains 2 folders and the license: North Kerbin Weaponry containing effects, flags, parts, plugins, and sounds; and Source, which contains the .cs files. I have the contents of the plugin folder in the KSP plugin folder, the parts in the KSP parts, sounds in the KSP sound, effects and Source are in KSP Gamedata (?). Maybe I'm not supposed to separate anything? I vaguely remember reading something about that at some point...

    keep everything as one, that's your problem. KSP automatically puts everything in the right place (without moving anything) 

  13. 9 hours ago, devo343 said:

    could you help when im ingame the nukes are there but there not interactble they dont blow up when they hit the ground and i dont have a menu for it when i right click



    are you using a pirated KSP or an official, because the pirated versions change some stuff in the files so you can play, and you have a BD weapon manager on your ship? the reason im asking, is because it is saying KSP-KerbalSpaceProgramv1.2.2.1622 in the files, when my file path says Kerbal Space Program-GameData (i use the steam version, so i don't know if the non-steam version is different) 

  14. 4 hours ago, PF45 said:

    Thank you for all the help, the problem of killing me the moment it blows up has been resolved! Sadly, I think the only reason is because the explosion is now roughly the size of the single person canister hitting the ground (very small explosion). Maybe I'm missing a core principal of installing KSP mods, but I've never had trouble before -- the NorthKerbinMod.dll file was indeed in the wrong location, though. lol... Any ideas? Tips for installing this thing (maybe I'm missing something)?

    did you put the Gamedata folder in the KSP Gamedata folder? or the contents of the Gamedata folder, because you want to put the contents in. and the small xplosion thing is a problem with the install or it might have to do with BDAc, when i had this problem, i just re-installed NKD, and made sure all the folders where in the right spot(and that the NorthKerbinMod.dll was in the right spot). and the problem with them killing you, is like many people have stated, a BDAc code issue, and the fact that its not now, is because the mod is not working, the bombs explode like a part over-heating, and that's because that's whats happening, the mod isn't installed correctly, so the code is not being activated to make the xplosion effect and cause the damage that is appropriate to the bomb

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