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Everything posted by acerarity

  1. can't wait for this update, i have wanted to make a BB for so long but the hulls didn't fit in right and the superstructure looked like a 4 year old did it with play-doh
  2. sorry, i just had to (sorry about the bad angle, but the camera was not liking this 1100m long beast)
  3. have you removed the 57mm naval gun? i can't find it in the mod files, or in-game, and i spent an hour looking for it(i clicked on every 3d model file to see if i could recognize it and i couldn't)
  4. welp, i done did it now i present, my new (modified) creation. i changed to be more futuristic, with the dg10k 155mm guns, and a sh*t ton of harpoons and a few other treats for the little kerbals to enjoy kill everything with i tested it against my medium attack craft, and it didn't last 2 min. on guard mode @Komander Faul @SpannerMonkey(smce)
  5. My new creation, im happy at where its at so i won't change it. but its a medium attack craft, armed with a 76mm autoloader, a 20mm vulcan turret, a heat seeker missile turret, 2 quad anti ship missile pods on each side, and a ton of radar(i still need to add a flir pod)
  6. does that work on 1.2.1 with the newest bda release? *edit* i downloaded it, and im now launching ksp, and i will test it out and build a new ship *check out my last one, on the last page*
  7. whats everyone's fav/ best ship or ship related build that uses parts from sm marine or LBP?
  8. Thanks, just downloaded boomsticks(i forgot about it, because i haven't played it since 1.0.5)
  9. But does anyone know any good BDarmory weapon mods other than NKD and naval weapons?
  10. whats that? (im new to forums) (facebook?)
  11. but how do you insert photos on pc? i just send links to my steam screenshot's
  12. links don't work for me btw
  13. for a few reasons, but the top 2, are that it looks good, and without it, it did a backwards titanic(i added a ballast tank over changing the water in the hull because it looked really cool. it sits perfect. in the water now. i will post a few more pics tomorrow)
  14. well, i guess i made a Titanic http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=835758414#_=_ but here is my mostly finished project http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=835758528#_=_
  15. i use both, and many, many other mods(mostly weapon and structure mods) but none of them fit my fancy(no offence, i do like them, i just don't like how they look on the ship) does anyone recommend any good ship weapon mods other than naval weapons, and NKD, i need one with a good arty gun, kinda like the mk. 45
  16. i am working on another ship, its using only dg10k parts(other than guns) so happy with it, but the masts are lacking a little bit. i will post a screen shot shortly
  17. do you think you would be able to make a bridge/superstructure like the one on the ship above? the superstructures in-game are kinda limited, and it's hard to shape them to look like that(i actually gave up with my current destroyer project) i also have another request: a LHD carrier hull, so i can make a USS Wasp
  18. i use it in my hyper planes, they can go over 8000m/s and can go to space, and adding fuels changes the center of mass, and the planes have to be in the perfect balance
  19. well when ksp first updated to 1.2 i couldn't launch in 64 bit mode, but i guess when they released 1.2.2 they fixed that and now i can't access the cheats menu to add infinite fuel, its f12 right?
  20. well i don't have anything that i can unzip it into, and i got it working now, i just had to launch it in 64 bit mode my current project other than the cruiser is a carrier, its over 600m long, and im using the carrier parts pack for arresting wires one thing i noticed is that the main carrier hull can't connect to the carrier hanger hull
  21. i have changed nothing since yesterday, and how do i post a log? im trying to launch in 64 bit mode
  22. i can't launch ksp now, every-time i try to launch it, it stops on the mk. 3 cockpit and stops responding, i have tried to wait it out, but to no prevail
  23. it looks good, and i do see Yamato in there, with all the AA guns and the position of the turrets. i tried to make a yamato, but i failed with the superstructure, and the size of the hull didn't scale to the turrets(i use tweakscale)
  24. i like replica's or realistic looking ships the one im making is not a replica, but it looks like it would be used by a navy
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