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Posts posted by NAYK_Pope

  1. 11 hours ago, OrganizedChaos said:

    The move works fine for me.  I use the radial control scheme on PS4.   With radial you just select the part and use the left stick.  I forget which directions you press for the movements, but if you hold the R1 on PS4 while using left stick there is the third axis or direction.   You just have to get use to what direction to push the stick for your desired movement, but after that it feels fine.  I haven't tried curser control at all because I like how radial worked out.

    Same in cursor but I prefer to use the actual arrows by clicking on them like I used to and I can not find a way to. Seems like it broke. Just trying to see if it is or am I missing a button press?

  2. First time booting up enhanced version. Lots of time on original though. Anyways, was trying to make a mun lander and quickly ran into a problem. The move took seems broke? The controls for non cursor is completely weird and switching to cursor mode will not allow me to grab one of the arrows to adjust appropriately. Instead it appears that I'm stuck without the ability to fine tune it and am stuck using the weird up on right stick for left, and right for up.


    Xbox one

    Cursor control preset though I tried them all.

  3. Did my first ever asteroid capture mission today. Caught it, orbited it and game wouldnt save. Oh well, no biggie right? Restart game, load up save and go to bring it back in. As soon as i go to switch to my craft, game froze. Restart my game and low and behold.... my freaking save file is gone. Poof, GONE. Just freaking deleted. I thought this was fixed? Is this MAJOR bug ever going to be fixed? I adore this game but this is beyond unacceptable especially since this was supposed to be fixed. This isnt my first wipe but this is the most heart breaking.

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