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Everything posted by rb22

  1. rb22

    Orionids peak

    via @VirtualAstro http://www.meteorwatch.org/2012/10/19/2012-orionid-meteor-shower-peaks-this-weekend/
  2. Seems very ambitious for a private company to do this, having only just got back some good radiation data from MSL (pretty harsh levels) I just hope they know what they're doing!
  3. Astro application info: http://mars-one.com/en/faq-en/21-faq-selection/251-do-i-qualify-to-apply Become a reality TV star!..
  4. I hope they do too. Seems they are relying on funding from some sort of 'global reality-TV'. Nice idea, I think it would be a popular show! 'Live' streams from the rovers would be amazing.
  5. take a look at this! http://www.sen.com/feature/mars-one-plans-for-human-settlement-on-mars.html
  6. nice APOD! 'A View from Next Door' 2012 October 18 http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html
  7. rb22

    ISS watching.

    cheers Borklund! that would be a nice device, we miss so much.
  8. rb22

    ISS watching.

    that was awesome! got a pic, had to gimp it good! ..60 second exposure.
  9. rb22

    ISS watching.

    via ESA "Very bright ISS pass over most of Western Europe tonight around 20:54 CEST (18:54 UT)" should be good, mag-3.0, 53° from here! may try for a pic. 19:54 BST edit: just heard it had a boost so may be a bit late.
  10. via @RedBullStratos The 30 mill cubic ft balloon was tracked in descent and taken to Mission Control post mission http://www.redbullstratos.com/technology/high-altitude-balloon/
  11. rb22

    ISS watching.

    chance to see Moho! ...Mercury! @Astroguyz (somewhere in the US) just tweeted this! "Don't forget to look for Mercury near a very thin crescent Moon as dusk falls tonite: Low to the west. http://twitpic.com/b4t19t/full
  12. rb22

    ISS watching.

    views from the ISS! http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/iss_ustream.html
  13. rb22

    ISS watching.

    it's can be so bright, I saw it last night even through thin cloud! twitterers can follow @twisst for alerts, tho they've been having some trouble lately as twitter considered their many DMs as spam!
  14. rb22

    ISS watching.

    It takes about an hour and a half to orbit Earth. We wobble underneath, that's why the passes are bunched up/ far apart.
  15. rb22

    ISS watching.

    clear here, tho LP is usually pretty bad. nice pass all the same, so bright!
  16. rb22

    ISS watching.

    all this BST/GMT stuff is confusing but it is just after 7. don't miss it!
  17. rb22

    ISS watching.

    just after 19:06 if you're in the UK. another at 20:43 passes into shadow after a couple of mins.
  18. rb22

    ISS watching.

    To find out when the space station is passing over you, go to http://www.heavens-above.com/ and put in your location. It has a sweet feature (click on the dates) which shows the track! (19:07 tonight, UK) sorry if this has been posted before, I couldn't find anything..
  19. just wow! pic courtesy Red Bull conference shortly...
  20. If you'd like to watch the jump again http://gizmodo.com/5951563/first-human-supersonic-space-jump-live-coverage
  21. wow! no boom but brilliant! was worried at first!
  22. watching on 240p so it doesn't freeze!
  23. is there a Felix Kerman? cos this dudes awesome!
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