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Mr. Peabody

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Posts posted by Mr. Peabody

  1. Prolonged exposure to social media without reactions may affect the brain and is known to cause side-affects such as:

    • An inexplicable desire to receive a notification.
    • A tendency to wonder what in hell is taking the technicians so long.

    If you experience any of these symptoms or side-affects contact your forum's IT support immediately.

  2. 23 hours ago, The_Cat_In_Space said:

    Funny, I have a History exam about the Cold War on Tuesday.

    Splendid! Politics aside would you care to learn about the other side? See, it even rhymes. :D I hope this is OK with the mods. I'm don't want to offend anyone. If there's a problem just contact me and I'll fix things right away.


  3. Before we have anyone else post images please note this:

    If your image is not absolutely stunning and as good as the current loading screen images don't post it. You'll only be disappointed. This thread isn't about sharing good-looking screenshots. There is already a thread for that. The poor squad staff shouldn't have to look through pages of mediocre images to find the true gems.

    Thank you very much. :)

  4. I have observed two major groups of players during my tenure on the forum:

    1. True space enthusiasts who would like KSP to become a more realistic space "simulation."
    2. Players who don't really care whether KSP is realistic and just want to have fun with a great game.

    The differences between these two camps is irreconcilable. It is literally impossible to please both. Therefore, KSP devs have attempted to walk a thin line, making the game just realistic enough to pacify the enthusiasts while still making it easy enough for regular players and those who may not have enough time for a realistic simulation. I must admit that I am of the second group. I just don't have the time to build and fly realistic spacecraft/aircraft.

    I read somewhere that only 25% of KSP players have landed on the Mun. That may or may not be an accurate indication of the skill level of most KSP players. If the majority of players want a simulation, then it is only fair that the devs take the game in that direction. If the opposite is true, than it should certainly remain as it now is.

    I can understand where the space "nerds" are coming from. You guys eat, sleep, and breathe space. But it's like a movie adaptation of your favorite book. There are some zealots who really want the movie script to mirror the book, but what is interesting as a book may not be enough to capture an audience's attention in a movie format. Therefore, in order to appeal to the "masses," the producers add scenes to the movie that are not included in the original book. This drives the "zealots" nuts, but it makes the movie more interesting for the majority of those concerned. It's like that with KSP too. The diversity of the player-base is one of the factors that makes KSP a great game. It is my hope that the devs can come to a solution that is agreeable to everyone.

  5. 1 hour ago, ManEatingApe said:

    In other news I've reached out to a graphic designer acquaintance to design a badge. Anyone who merges a craft design or flies a mission segment will be eligible.

    Would anyone else like to fly a fuel run?

    If the hair makes the man, the badge makes the challenge. :wink:

    I'd love to try a fuel mission, but I'm afraid it would be beyond my current time constraints.

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