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Everything posted by Tech_96

  1. Well, thanks a lot! I will try to find problem, or just suffer
  2. Человечество не останется вечно на Земле, но в погоне за светом и пространством сначала робко проникнет за пределы атмосферы, а затем завоюет себе все околосолнечное пространство.
    К.Э. Циолковский

  3. I use only KIS and Kerbalism, mechjeb I delete after first launch. https://yadi.sk/d/DglaYLKX3Cfzkt this is link for folder with my saves
  4. Hello, can you help me? I have a problem, I use last version of KSP 1.2.2... e.t.c. With Kerbalism mode I begin a new game, and I encounter a problem: I landing on Mun and go EVA and after returning to the vessel I found that it uncontrollable. Pilot can`t do anything. Problem repeats every new landings. Game restart solved a problem. Is it bug, or I just don`t understand something, how can I fix it? Thanks in advance. P.S. Please sorry for my grammar.
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