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Posts posted by GrouchyDevotee

  1. 48 minutes ago, KenjiKrafts said:

    Real Time Dogfighting would be a start, I could really put my tanks through their pases and you could even do Space X vs NASA. 

    Not that this will happen or be pleasant as you'd have to sacrifice the time warp 

    One of the things I personally like about Kerbal Space Program specifically is the absence of all the Pew, Pew, Pew..

    My favourite multi-player games are air to air combat, so yeah I see what you are saying, but why not just play a game optimised for that? My Play Station is already struggling to keep up with this. 

    I know everybody likes different things for a variety of reasons, so don't get me wrong, but comparing rockets isn't why I play this game.

    It would be a neat timeline game though, as a difficulty setting for career mode, play a 'timed' game against what Russia and United States accomplished in the early years.


  2. On 4/17/2018 at 8:29 AM, PrvDancer85 said:

    I Keep an Eye for the Prefix Next time


    I probably should have included this information,

    I was attempting to do a Mun Fly-by and get a Minmus encounter when I first noticed this.  The Mun Encounter markers were there as they should be, and I was reading the white closest approach markers for Minmus, it gave the distance as (what-ever it was) 1,234 m, there were no encounter markers so I should have known.  Needless to say I missed by a lot.  Not a big deal, just something I noticed.

    I have only been halfway keeping an eye on it since then, but I don't think I've noticed it put any prefix in front of the meters.

    Could easily just be me.

  3. PS4 Enhanced Edition,default controls, normal difficulty, career, console player. Love this game.

    I was ( until recently ) under the impression that Kerbals skill levels were tied in some way to the tasks that they had actually performed.

    I was diligently trying to insure all of my Kerbals had docked and manned my Space Station, had all  done EVA's, and EVA reports, in the day and night.. manned the Mun base, and the Mun Station... walked on the Mun etc. I was trying to make each one perform a wide variety of tasks, I hadn't actually tried to purposely deploy and repack a chute, but I was seriously considering it.

    I don't want to suggest incorporating anything that will slow down my console any further, but it seems like a good idea to have a bit more functionality built into the Kerbals skill levels.

    I would really like to be able to have my PS4 Kerbal Space Engineer pull a solar panel or antenna, off of one craft and place it on another craft. Same with placing/moving struts or fuel lines.

  4. PS4 Enhanced Edition player here.

    I have noticed the multi-player discussion mentioned on these forums a couple times. I've played many multi-players games before, and probably will again, so I understand the concept.

    What I honestly don't understand about this request is this;

    What would you actually want to do in a multi-player KSP game?

  5. PS4 Enhanced Edition.

    I'd like to see the addition of a few more Launch sites and Runways.

    Keep the exact same space centre model, just add a couple more launch and landing sites.

    Without making any serious changes to the game, simply having a few more sites at level zero, that must be upgraded to be useful.

    Perhaps money, reputation, and science must all be spent to unlock certain sites. Or reputation must stay above a certain amount or the site closes.

    Game really doesn't have to have any functionality changed other than the ability to launch and land in other places. Keep the original KSC as the de-facto Gameplay operations site.

    It just seriously feels icky to land an SR-71 in the trees.

  6. For Minmus and the Mun I usually;

    get into Kerbin orbit,

    then set my target,

    then do any orbital plane changes,

    now I zoom out the view and look at the target orbit from "above"

    then I drop a manoeuvre node  30 - 45 degrees before I'd be under the target

    add some prograde until the apoapsis is just a little higher than the target orbit

    now I move the manoeuvre node back and forth until I have an encounter

    keep the manoeuvre node open, and mess around with the camera view until I can see the closest approach,(the periapsis of the encounter)

    and mess around with any, or all, of the nodes inputs until the encounter periapsis is right where I want it.

    have a look at the Kerbals guess at how long the burn will take to do, and start the burn at half the time before I reach the node. ( if the kerbal guesses it'll take 1 min 28 seconds to do the burn, then I begin the burn at 44 seconds before I reach the node. )

    and then repeat this procedure around halfway or two thirds of the way to the target.

  7. PS4, Enhanced.

    Yes, GUI freezing and jumping frequently. Cursor is sometimes hard to find.

    I've been playing Career, and this means that I have many flights in progress. The game is now auto-saving very frequently.

    In docking mode it is sometimes a necessity to switch between Linear and Rotation mode quickly, it is now a common occurrence for the modes to not switch easily.

    I'm still activating the Trim set at inopportune times.

  8. You probably have the trim set. It is very easy to turn the trim on in the console versions.

    Look and see if there are pink markers in the manoeuvre inputs. That is the trim.

    I'm playing on a PS4, it's left bumper and click left stick to turn it off, I don't know about X-Box.


  9. PS4, Enhanced Edition, 1.01, default controls, normal difficulty, career mode.

    Finally arrived at Duna with my first sortie consisting of of two landers, their delivery vehicles, and a couple of communications satellites.

    In orbit everything has great comm strength, but nothing is communicating with each other.

    My scan Sat directly overhead of my lander at a range of 44 km with; 4x 88-88, 2x Communotron DTS-M, and a Communotron-16S  (lots of electricity, and deployed) was no help to my now vaporized Duna lander that had a communotron 16 deployed...

    Displaying the communication comm-net has all my Duna satillites only communicating with Kerbin, and not with each other even when one has signal drops because Duna or Ike are is the way....





  10. I don't see an issue, development is a longer process than creating a couple of advertising graphics, things change.

    I suppose it is worth remembering the new EULA, probably something in there along the lines of this trademarked product is owned by Squad, and if third party suggests or adds a MOD feature, then Squad has the right to ignore it or adopt it, and yes, that means Squad can sell it.


  11. Landing pods is one one activity I frequently have problems with. I'm using a PS4 and I have Increased my UI to 110% because reasons, now the Nav-Ball can be in the way for touchdown. This means that landing requires balancing camera angles as well as flying the pod.

    For landing, I'd really like to have some Above Ground Level (AGL) data, instead of the current Above Sea Level (ASL) readings.

    I'd rather ditch the heavy and power hungry radar, and use a lightweight laser range-finder, or upgrade to a combination of the two.

    Either way, and whatever you call it, it would be nice to have an altitude readout on the screen.


  12. 9 hours ago, RedPandaz said:

    I found such a close station causes problems

    I suggested a lower orbit of 100km for practise purposes, that way beginners can use smaller easier to control rockets.

    I use to frequently wind up having to do multiple orbits to get encounters with my station, ten or more orbits in some cases. Unless its something large and hard to control there is really no need to do it like this. If you spend some time practising and start figuring out what you are doing, you can start making intercepts in only one or two orbits.

    I still have problems getting it right, I frequently make awkward to manoeuvre spacecraft and this will defiantly affect how intercepts and encounters occur.

    After making multiple trips to a station, when building it up,  I can surprise myself at how easy it can seem... but after a couple of weeks (real time) with out docking anything, I find I sometimes need to figure it all out again.

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