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Posts posted by GrouchyDevotee

  1. This looks absolutely fantastic!

    Are there any plans to include some of this airport expansion for Console?

    And, since I'm asking about console, is there any work being done to make a joystick function for PS4 console aircraft?

    If this becomes a DLC for PS4,  I would buy it for my KSP Enhanced Edition.

    I like the idea of being able to put some of the aircraft I've built to some in-game play purpose.

    I have no idea if the console version is ever really going to get off the ground, but a patch is in the works and this would be a welcome addition to the regular un-modded console game.

    Even just adding a half a dozen runways here and there around Kerban would be marvellous. Don't need to worry about complex activities at these locations, just the fact that there would be some different airfields for us console Kerbals to fly to and land at.

    Here are  (of course) a few different ideas for contracts;

    -requiring players to simply land at a specific runway for contract completion ("snacks delivered, fly back to home base")

    -do a certain number of touch and go at a certain runway ( don't crash)

    -get there and back with or without re-fuel

    -get to a certain runway in a hurry, (speed run land and stop)

    -haul a thumper booster to location ( or several of them, either all at once or individually, up to player to decide)



  2. 1 hour ago, bolloxim said:

    I had this happen about a week ago once but it cleared up after a couple missions 

    currently though seems to be a continual issue now. 

    btw I tried deleting older quicksaves..  I even deleted the quicksave file itself incase it was a filespace issue. 

    In career mode and unlocked upto 160 science tier 


    I had this same issue on PS4, EE.

    I have started to make sure that I; close all drop down windows (fuel, contracts, science experiments ), no targets set, and no manoeuvre nodes set. Before trying to save.

    Seems to clear the problem up. Try this and post if it helps, the more info the DEV's can get the more likely they can fix the issue.

    I'm also trying to keep the number of save files to a minimum, as well as occasionally deleting excess ships and aircraft from inventory.

  3. Your mission;

    Collect this data and report back.

    1.) In the vehicle assembly building, open your build and check the engineers report. Your rocket scientists might have used 'fuel only' tanks, to fire in space, rocket engines need 'fuel/oxidizer' tanks. The wrong tanks will fit, and I have included them in my builds when looking for light weight tanks.

    2.) When the rocket won't fire, check your fuel status, the little flame icon on the top left of your screen, you might have used all of the oxidizer, or all the fuel.  

    3.) If you launch and just let the engines keep burning ( without running empty ) do they cut out at some specific altitude?

    4.) If you launch your build without using any time warp does this problem still happen once you've reached that altitude?

    5.) Try flying a stock built rocket using the time warp as you are doing, and see if the problem repeats. Then fly that stock built rocket without any time warp, just to see if it the problem repeats.


    I'm not sure if you are still in time warp when you are trying to fire an engine, it won't fire at all if you are still speeding up time.

    As far as I can tell from reading posts, the physics time warp isn't working like it did before.

    I know this game can be frustrating, but it can also be extremely fun. Keep trying to sort out the problem.


  4. I'm Kerballing on a PS4 console.

    I think it would be nice to have other launch and landing facilities available on Kerban, perhaps unlocked/earned through the tech tree.

    As far as re-building the Kerbal complex at various locations goes, I don't think it's necessary. If you can already build things on Kerban I don't see a value in adding a logistics infrastructure, mainly because the console probably wouldn't keep up.

    However, I would like to see some permanent and functional Mun base parts, I don't need to be building ships out of smithore, or power up warp drives from rare carbomite, but some functionality from a base would be nice. Replenish snacks, rehab tired Kerbals, landing pad marker... I guess I am asking for sort of the same thing you are, just on another planet or moon.

    But I don't know if the console is up to the task of being able to run this sort of thing.

  5. I'm on a console, so this sort of thing would have to be a DLC, I'd love to see a set of rings in the Kerbal system. I haven't been to many other worlds yet... Duna, Minmus, Mun, Kerban, and a mythical place called Earth.

    As far as trying to make the console version track a large number of orbiting asteroids, I shudder to think of the stutter this would make my PS4 do.

    As far as a creative suggestion for this Rings addition, here's my thoughts.

    Jool gets 2 large pretty rings one low and one high, they are completely 2-D and cosmetic, but they do block radio and solar. For ease of CPU demand ( I honestly have no idea if this would be more/less demanding on the processor.) the radio/solar blocking occurs irrelevant of which side of the rings you are on, just being near their plane of orbit does it. Basically just a zone of exclusion that stops interfering once your not in it. Much science is locked away in the mystery of the rings.

    In the gap a put a Titan style moon, a thick foggy atmosphere, in retro grade orbit, with an oddly angled polar rotation. Perhaps the polar regions stick out through the exclusion zone, but the odd angle of rotation means that radio contact and solar collectors are intermittent.

    Just my thoughts on this.

    I'll probably be awhile before I get to see these rings close up because the console version needs an alarm clock, and a tech tree unlock for an interplanetary transfer alert/planner.

  6. PS4, Enhanced edition, default controls, normal career mode.

    Rescued a Kerbal in orbit but couldn't recover the vessel after I had landed, I got stuck unable to press the drop down "recover vessel" above the altitude indicator with the cursor, it would drop down but I was unable to activate it.

    Then I tried opening the options menu to recover, but it wouldn't work either... couldn't save, load, go to the tracking station, or return to the space port from this situation.

    Did this whole routine a couple times.

    Then I tried the mission again and I don't know what made me check to ensure that I had "unset target" before de-orbiting and this hasn't happen since I've been checking.


    While rescuing yet another Kerbal in orbit around the Mun, I wound up unable to save, the save pop-up appeared, asked me what name to save under, but wouldn't get past the press X "to over right", seemed locked into this but the options menu 'resume flight' got me clear and flying again... seems I had the thermometer window open, and I had a manoeuvre node set up for a burn.

    I'm not sure if I did something odd with the controller, I'm still mashing randomly trying to use the old scheme... but I have not had any save issues since I've been making sure to have no targets set, no drop down windows open, and no manoeuvre nodes set.

    Anybody else find this?

  7. On 1/20/2018 at 4:49 PM, Leopard said:

    Expected behaviour: open the action menu of the highlighted part, only, every time

    I'm on PS4, Enhanced edition.

    I'm finding a similar problem, running science instruments or getting EVA reports are sometimes very difficult because the "crew hatch" menu keeps opening, even when a different part near the hatch was highlighted.

  8. I'm on a PS4, and I haven't had this issue with time warp. But I have heard that the physics warp is either hidden or gone, I haven't progressed enough to need it yet.

    I'd try doing the transfer without the actual shutdown of the engine, just throttle all the way down to zero, orient the craft to make sure you avoid that electrical re-charge issue that keeps nailing me,  and try the time warp to a position and then see if it'll re-light.

    It seems to me that I had something similar happen when the staging stack got messed up in the old version, I had to re-adjust the staging stack so I wasn't firing off a de-coupler, then press the restart engine in the pop-up window, then give some throttle and press the 'X' button ( I don't know what the Xbox equiv is) to actually fire the motor ( just like after staging).

    If that doesn't help give all your details to the console bug section.

  9. 6 hours ago, Deddly said:

    That's some good reasoning there, @GrouchyDevotee. Do you feel that a separate Gameplay Questions and Tutorials section would solve that better than just asking the question again in the regular subforum? Or do you think it would segregate the community so that the PC/console users rarely interact with each other? Would having a separate section just for consoles make console users miss out on great advice from experienced players, or would the benefits outweigh the disadvantages? 

    I'd like to think that all the Kerbal sisters and brothers from all the different Launch Pads across the vast inter-webs, can come together and work in harmony, sharing tips, workarounds, and snacks.

    I do think there should be a specific Gameplay questions and tutorial section for newly recruited Console Kerbalnaughts. Particularly so in light of some of the recent changes to the control schemes.

    Once new Kerbals are able to properly and  effectively 'monkey paw' these controls, then the games appear to play out somewhat similarly.

    Perhaps just having a 'Console tutorials' section,  'Console Controls Issues' and a 'Console Bugs section' would be enough.

    The DEV team would know the similarities between the platforms far better than I would.



  10. A bit heated in here.

    It is occasionally difficult to find console specific related information on these forums. I'm using a PS4 and I've never played KSP on a PC. I frequently find answers to my questions about builds or game play that I cannot replicate on a console. Hold "control S"  or some other keyboard command advice. The somewhat complex Console control interface, can make relatively "simple" missions very complex as far as getting tasks managed in time.

    The games play very differently, I'd refer you to Scott Manleys youtube video "KSP on PS4" discussing this.

    I don't know if the Console version of Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition will be getting a patch, an update, or have some DLC anytime soon, but it seems clear that the PC and console editions have some different issues.


  11. DLC suggestion for KSP on console, I'm playing PS4 KSP Enhanced Edition.

    -Transfer Window assistance planner. I'm mostly/completely guessing when I begin to think about inter-planetary transfers. A notification of some kind prior to a transfer window, and the ability to set an alarm clock for interplanetary manoeuvres.

    -Mun-base parts. Habitats, environmental domes, hotels, science facilities, Snack bars, refinery things, power generation, and an ability to phone home. Can we get a landing pad marker to target? I'm not saying KSP for Console needs to incorporate a whole city planner sub-game, but a few new parts would be glorious.

    -The ability to drag fuel lines while on the surface of a Mun or planet.

    -A couple different propeller motors for aircraft.. one or two sizes of fuel burning and electric. I haven't even tried to build any aircraft in the new Enhanced console edition.

  12. 13 hours ago, DunaManiac said:

    I'm guessing in a month or two.

    I'm thinking they'll probably collect as much feedback on game-play, control layout issues,  and suggestions for Mods/DLC, as well as all the bug reports they can get before making a lot of decisions.

    Likely a few months before many decisions are made at all.

    Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition is a vast improvement, I'm enjoying it greatly.

  13. On 7/15/2016 at 12:54 PM, SeaCucumber24 said:

    I've tried all the settings on the tv and in game and nothings worked.

    Your TV might have some different modes, ie: theatre, letterbox, widescreen, regular under view in the menu.

    Without launching the game, the console itself has some screen setting adjustment in the settings tabs you might have to squeeze it in a bit, I had to do this for my PS4. Try leaving a bit of gap all the way around the screen, then launch the game.

    In game, the UI settings mainly changes the size of the Nav ball. I haven't heard of a fix if you are having trouble reading the  apoapsis and periapsis numbers, other than sitting close.

  14. 3 hours ago, Mako said:

     I believe everyone wants to see this go well for every console player. Hopefully they'll get there soon.

    I'm quite happy with the Enhanced Edition for PS4.

    Yes, it's a processor heavy game that gets my console running on the warm side, and there are certainly a few things that need to be sorted out, but the game is way better than it was.

    The fact they are working on it at all is great news.

    I look forward to any and all DLC they release for Kerbal Space Program!

  15. I've only had one extended sideways Eva so far, couldn't seem to get pointed ( rotated ) in the correct direction, I'll have to try switching views while doing Eva's as has been suggested.

    I have noticed that the offset tool ( while building in the VAB )seems to activate multiple directions at once, I just wanted to shove a Reliant engine "in" just a tad for landing clearance, it kept going off-centre making for an interesting build.

    I currently would have preferred they kept the throttle as a fine tune slider until holding the modifier, but I'm getting use to the new scheme.

    Took me awhile to realise that the pink indicators in the attitude controls were trim sets, I seem to enable them several times per manoeuvre... most likely it's just from me having the old control scheme in mind.

    I haven't done much of anything in the hanger yet. Haven't tried to build or fly a plane in the Enhanced edition... yet.

    Have the Biomes changed dramatically? Having a bit of a time getting science from my short hops.

    I haven't tried the de-bug menu, it would be nice to be able to practice some landings on different planets, and practice assembling some Station builds,  and really just generally mess around in sandbox mode, but I haven't even looked for it yet.

    Does anybody know if opening or using the De-bug menu mess up the achievements?

    I'm still trying to learn the radial menus, so, one thing at a time. Next up, measure some temps in orbit around the Mun and land a Kerbal on that sucker!

  16. 7 hours ago, The_Cat_In_Space said:

    116? I have only about 7: KW Rocketry, Chatterer, MRS, Space Station Plus (Space Station parts mod, useful for adding cool bits to large ships), Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, KIS and KAS (obviously) and Firespitter. In my opinion, it's not about having a massive amount of mods with parts you don't actually need, it's the mods that have the parts you can use (KW Rocketry is really good for helping me get stuff to orbit).

    I'm playing Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition on a PS4 console, and I'm not aware of any mods for this. I have never played Kerbal on any other platform. This means I've never been able to complete any career or science mode of game play. I haven't even put a Kerbal on the Mun yet in this new version.

    I really only hear about existing mods for Kerbals through watching Scott Manley and a few others. It seems there are quite a few Mods out there for PC versions of Kerbal.  I really wouldn't know if there are 3 or 900. I really don't have a clue what half of the mods you are running do.

    Us 'console only' players are painfully aware that the game is a tad unstable, and the control interface is already quite busy. Seriously not interested in adding anything to make the game function worse.

    So If I'm able to make any suggestions for a future Console  DLC it would be this: Adding the ability to build and earn some functionality out of Mun-base (hotel, refinery, fuel station, science, personnel re-cooperation facility, canteena? ) Would Change the game dramatically.

    Sure, having a HD photo-realistic game that models our Solar system precisely, with all the pretty clouds, radiation belts, solar storms, all the asteroids, all the other space junk and all existing Satellites, more dramatic and accurate re-entry effects,  precisely accurate air and wind modelling for both high and low speed aircraft, VFR approach lights would be fantastic,  adding a complete IFR instruments package would be nice, as long as the game never dips below 60 frames per second during 3000 part count launches....

    The cartoonishly fun rocket game I'm currently playing doesn't need a whole lot more to keep the enjoyment going. 

    Just my opinion.


  17. 1 hour ago, The_Cat_In_Space said:

    A sixth thing, continuing on from @Mrcarrot, how would you even get the mods anyway? The only way to download things for the Xbox is from the Microsoft Store. You won't be seeing 'Kerbal Attachment System' listed as an 'Add-On' for KSP EE in the store, would you? You can't go on the Edge app and go to Curse, pick a mod and download, as the Xbox doesn't support that. 

    I'd love to see a couple of DLC for console Kerbal. But I'd certainly prefer it if Squad creates them.

    I haven't used any Mods but I'd like to check out:

    Kerbal Engineer

    Realism Overhaul

    That Docking assist looks cool.

    some sort of encounter assist planner

    But I'd settle for some Mun Base parts and the ability to drag fuel lines around.

    For me at least I'm more concerned with functionality and playability of the game than with having 116 mod's running.


  18. 18 hours ago, Spricigo said:

    like docking ports and the klaw?

    I was thinking something more along the lines of Kerbals being able to stretch fuel lines from a refinery to a fuel rover and then from the rover to a lander.

    So, a parts bin for a Kerbal engineer to access and use is more along what I'm thinking.

    I've only ever played Kerbal Space Program on PS4 console, and it was a tad glitchy in it's last version. I was never able to do a build where the docking collars would work while landed.

    On 1/20/2018 at 9:37 AM, Deno_cooper1995 said:

    B9 Aerospace and airplane plus giving the player a wider variety with space plane parts

    Kerbal planetary base systems giving the players better base modules to build on planets



    Yes, this!

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