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Libri Lector

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Posts posted by Libri Lector

  1. On 2/14/2017 at 1:21 AM, Drew Kerman said:

    I noticed the mod was pulling non-stock parts with stock parachute modules into its Parachute category but leaving them in their original stock category locations, so this'll clean that up

      @category = none


    @Drew Kerman

    Sorry if this is off topic from RealChute (its a great mod), but I don't know where else to ask.  

    I've been trying to get all the KIS items out of the Utility category so that they only show up in the EVA Items category (they show up in both and it makes the utility category messy), but I have almost no modding experience and don't know what to do. Drew's comment was the closest thing I could find with various google searches.

    I've been doing my testing with the wrench because I don't think I need it anyways.  First I went to the part.cfg in the KIS folder and changing "Utility" to "EVA Items"

    	name = KIS_wrench
        category = EVA Items
        tags = KIS EVA tool building portable cck-eva-items

    That just made it disappear from both categories.  Looking around at various config files I found:  MM-CommunityCategoryKit.cfg in ...\GameData\KIS\Patches

    		name = EVA Items
    		tag = cck-eva-items
    		normalIcon = KIS/Textures/EVAItemsFilterIcon
    		usedByMod = Kerbal Inventory System (KIS)

    I also found this in my Module Manager files:

    	name = KIS_wrench
    	type = PART
    	parentUrl = KIS/Parts/wrench/part
    	url = KIS/Parts/wrench/part/KIS_wrench
    		name = KIS_wrench
    		category = Utility
    		tags = KIS EVA tool building portable cck-eva-items

    Changing Utility to EVA Items didn't work here either.  It looks like EVA Items is just a filter and not added as a "real" category?  idk, It looks like I could use your bit of code, but I don't know how to edit it or where to put it.

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