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Posts posted by Violet_Wyvern

  1. My new project :

    This airship has two huge plasma screens on both side and some speakers, good for advertising.   It's also comes with two chain gun turrets, so it can also been use for war Propaganda...
    (This ship was inspired by an unit  from a  strategy video game ----  http://generalsrotr.wikia.com/wiki/Propaganda_Airship )

    "Do you need some moral support?"....

    "Now in HD" ....

    "Free impartial advice"....   

  2. When i watched this pic, and i suddenly have an mod idea...

    This idea just flash in my brain. How about making a mod contain some "Bio-infected" parts, These parts looks just like normal parts except they're all been infected by some kind of alien (Like Zerg from Starcraft series, Metriods from Metriod series, or Bydo from R-Type series) , covered by cells, blood vessels, or some exposed organs (Come on...Who doesn't like to make an Alien\Kraken infected spaceships...)

  3. Somebody says "We wants a flying aircraft carrier", The other says "We also wants flying battleship"....
    I answer them : "Why not both?"...  And so...   This beast was been created...

    This trimaran flying fortress is a masterpiece creation, it's huge, terrifying, and probably the enemy's worst nightmare... It's has lots of guns and turrets can deal with enemy's ships, and also comes with two flight decks, can launch up six squadrons of aircrafts...


  4. Find some minor bugs here :

    1. AGM - 84 SLAM Harpoon Missile's smoke trail is emitting at the wrong direction, It's looks a little bit weird...

    2. AIM - 26 Falcon Missile does not have the original nuclear explosion, They're dumb missiles now...

    3. Kh-35 Harpoonski and Kh-31p Anti-Radiation missile, Theirs rocket boosters does not decouple at the cruise phase like the original RBS-15 cruise missile ...

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