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Everything posted by DunaManiac

  1. I just realized something - Bold's terrain is bumpy, and I mean hella bumpy. So bumpy it makes Pol looks smooth. Is that a bad thing?
  2. Bold will probably get a redress from it's current state, as it's current color palette looks like cheese or a burned cookie.
  3. Ok, I'm pretty miffed myself. But I'm not baselessly calling it vaporware. On the bright side, at least the game wasn't rushed and released too fast. Then everyone would be saying they should have delayed it. Almost everyone is, or at least annoyed. But no-one is complaining about it and it won't get KSP2 released faster.
  4. 0.4.1 Will be focusing on adding and revamping the minor bodies in Japris Stellar Neighborhood. Bold has finally got it's well deserved revamp
  5. Banned for allowing 2 hours to pass since banning someone
  6. I know that gravity also slows down time, in fact you could sit in orbit around a black hole and time would slow down, but the specific question is that if time slows down when things move, how fast would it need to go before it would become noticeable.
  7. How fast does something need to go before time slows down noticeably? I know that all objects experience time slowing down when moving, but how fast until it reaches a substantial amount, like a couple hours or minutes?
  8. With Japris Stellar Neighborhood 0.4 coming as I speak, let's do a short breakdown of 0.4! 4 planets and moons have had total revamps including Dindin, Desper, Retuo and Evap, seen here: These planets have been completely remade compared to the originals. Additonally, the orbit of Evap has been changed to be more inclined, and Minmus' Orbit has changed to become more elliptical. That's it for 0.4!
  9. It was worrying back in august when it was less than a year away from a release, but now the game is over 2+ years away from release, which we will probably see a lot of improvement. Honestly, judging the quality of the game this early on is like judging a CGI animated film by the initial renderings. And based on this: I think that we have fair reason to expect better final graphics.
  10. It's unclosed. Therefore I can click.
  11. It is often said that there is no such thing as a bug free program. While that does eliminate most bugs, getting rid of ALL bugs is impossible, especially in something like a game.
  12. Zep has gotten a small revamp adding small eroded crater fields on it's surface: Additonally, Retuo looks very pretty from the surface of Evap.
  13. Make sure to download 0.4 on Friday so that you can start the race with 4 high quality textures!
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