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Everything posted by snkiz

  1. I think that is what I said. I forget not everyone speaks english. I should be more specific. The reality is everything can kill you if there's enough of it and you wait long enough. So why let that be a barrier?
  2. Most scientists greatly exarate the danger there. Perchlorates are bad like smoking is bad. Ya it will likely kill you, but not for a very long time.
  3. And that's why I only mentioned nvme and optane. None of what you said applies.
  4. https://www.canada.ca/en/space-agency/news/2021/05/canada-moves-forward-with-plans-to-explore-the-moon.html Some interesting things from the Lunar Exploration Accelerator Program. Navigation sensor experiments, agro experiments, lunar Roomba experiments and of course Canadarm3. The FROST (Frozen Regolith Observation and Science Tools) experiment is of note. I believe it is a feasibility study for hockey rinks on the moon.
  5. The first one did that, would have worked if it hadn't started running engine rich.
  6. Does this mean the scale factor in relation to the planet size is more generous? Or the scale of the planet itself? Or a little bit of both? The last time I looked at this problem, trying to sus out the scales in relation to IRL. Scaling up the runway by the same factor as Kerbin resulted in longer then real. I mean it's fine to have some buffer some things don't scale well. I ask because I'm playing at 2.5x scale RN, and I actually find it easier to get to orbit. Gravity turns feel less forced, and it's pretty easy to burn to apogee. Something that just isn't natural at the current stock scale.
  7. Ironically if you have fast storage, say nvme, or optane. This is a realistic if not ideal option. When I play cities it's using about 28gb of real ram and about 40 gb of page file for a decent size game. That only leaves 4gb for everything else and the page file. You notice it, but it's not unbearable. Your not going to get away with streaming assets that way, yet. But for a lot of use cases it isn't necessary or there are shortcuts. With what the new consoles are doing with storage, next gen standards. The difference between your page file and ram is going to be closer to the difference between say, DD2 and DDR4 ( Talking out of my a** but you get the idea.)
  8. It's like in television when you only have so much money for a season. Sometime you have the blockbuster big budget episodes. But to pay for those you need to have the talkie episodes, mostly dialogue, using the same scene. Now replace money with time. The more elaborate the show and tell, the more production time it takes. Time that could used on dev time.
  9. This is what impresses me about the whole team. That kind of constructive feedback in game development is not as common as most studios would like you to believe. Never change Nate. Demo plain not kerbain, just a plain skybox. The post is solely about the buildings not the environment. The runway now is longer in scale then the runway the shuttle used. That is one of the longer runways in the US.
  10. Witch parallax are you using? There are some specific instructions to get it to work, and it's not supported by JNSQ. This is the version you want. It's only textures, so you need to get Parallax and move some files around. Set scatters to 100 and quality to JNSQ-high. Don't use to many lights around bumpy terrain, it will kill your frame rate.
  11. Depends on the kinds of artist I guess. The new consoles ray tracing doesn't look at all like Nvidia's and isn't going to completely look like AMD's either. Both Microsoft and Sony have their own special sauce going on. Could be a lot specific rework required. I think they are just expanding the team so they can roll on tick tock updates and dlc. It's also possible they got another endorsement from another IRL space agency and are working on something for that.
  12. I have one idea for something that could be added. A kspedia page for how they function, and how they are used IRL. it's a simple thing but I always forget which side is red/green what flash mode is appropriate, why you would use a yellow or blue light. I keep having to look it up. I mean I know the function is basically self explanatory, but it fits with the edu nature of ksp, and it would be a handy reference in game.
  13. Mine peaks at 12 while loading, 10 at rest. @OhioBob Is right there's your problem. You 'may' get it load by making sure your page file is big enough. Rule of thumb is twice what your ram is, but in your case, you'd need to make up for the 8gb your short and then double that number. So a page file at least 32gb large. It's not going to be a pleasant experience, especially if you pagefile lives on a spinning drive. Any other mods you add will degrade things further.
  14. Can you post a screenshot of your game data folder? the file paths look strange. I'm not an expert but I think scatter is failing because there are eve configs but you don't have eve. I just upgraded my scatter and it works fine.
  15. Aww I just read the pull, in my mind I could hear the sad trombone riff. You were really hoping for the obviously easier fix. Can't wait to see what 'more customization options' looks like. You're doing kerbal-god's work. You are on my list of frivolously large donations should I win the lottery.
  16. It's totally possible I did exactly that with the internalRCS plumes I made. I found thou that you have to be aware that's what your doing from the start and write things accordingly. It might be because I'm mucking about with things I don't really understand. But when I decided to make it one patch I had to rewrite a bunch of it to get it work out.
  17. Here is a set of configs for all the stock engines. https://github.com/KnightofStJohn/StockWaterfallEffects/releases If you want ot learn how to make your own plumes this is what you need to look at as an exapmle. Restock waterfall isn't the best example because, well it a patch of a patch. It doesn't yet have all the engines, and You need to be able to get restock working. This is a thread about how to make MM patches This is the handbook for making MM patches https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/wiki/Module-Manager-Handbook and the wiki for Waterfall https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/Waterfall/wiki Netra wants to make this wiki new user friendly so I'm sure they would appericiate your experinces with it. It's a bit of time to go through, but if you really want to know how patching works these are your resources. Welcome to the forums.
  18. We are all just dancing around the obvious, laws like this are written vague with broad powers on purpose. They always go back for multiple revisions. As the changes are now I'm not even sure they are constitutional.(Charter same thing, ish.) Unless there's a big agenda to push it through regardless of the consequences, it won't pass as is. And if it does I'm pretty sure it will get struck down.
  19. Yes I do use follow to know when a mod is up to date, I do find that useful. The emails could be cut back to a weekly digest, but I know I can just turn them off. That being said, I agree with flart, a like button as well would be useful. Right now, there's no good way to seperate mods I'm watching/like vs. mods I'm currently using. That would be helpful, as I like to install mods manually, I've had bad experiences with ckan.
  20. And that would be why it bothers me. I turn off bloom most of the time. If the game really needs it I turn it down to minimal levels. I don't like the JJ look, those movies flopped, I don't understand why people keep copying that.
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