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Everything posted by siimav

  1. Thanks for working on a update to the Heat Pumps mod. If i may ask, have you managed to add any improvements to how the thermals work in analytical mode?
  2. Do you have the KRASH mod installed? That's the only one I could think of that could cause such weird issues. Personally I also had issues with it when I recovered a vessel that was being simulated. It messed with my savegame in a way where some of the options were locked because the mod thought it was still running simulation after recovery.
  3. If you already found the GitHub repo, you could hit the download button on the specific branch you want to try out and copy the files to your gamedata folder.
  4. Both the window toggling and adding padding are working for me. Dunno whether it makes a difference but because I have a laptop without a numpad, I remapped the toggling key to alt+del. Padding hotkey is still alt+end.
  5. It's working fine in 1.4.1 for me as well.
  6. Can confirm that KJR is working in 1.4 after updating one line in code that checks the game version and doing a recompile with updated game DLLs.
  7. Sadly that is not a true replacement for this mod. Yes, that invisible strut functionality does make a rocket less spaghetti-like. But what it doesn't help about is when you come off rails and physics is loaded. I have a savegame for a spaceplane that is on approach to runway that magically loses it's wings when game gets loaded and physics is applied. That specific plane actually did fly to orbit successfully and would probably have also landed nicely if I wouldn't have re-loaded the game. That same savegame also contains a Munar base that shakes itself to bits when switching to that vessel. KJR is able to fix both of these scenarios because it makes all joints orders of a magnitude stronger when coming off rails.
  8. There's a "Unbreakable joints" checkbox in the F12 cheats menu.
  9. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/issues/1797
  10. I think it was called "Prevent unstable ignition" or something like that. I also kind of remember it being enabled by default though.
  11. You can still install KCT but it has ingame configuration that allows to disable it entirely or just parts of it.
  12. Actually the RCS thrusters are not to blame. There's a bug where the weight of all crew members (100kg each) is added to every part on your ship. It only affects the VAB scene and when you actually launch the ship, it has the correct weight. If you want to see your correct weight or dV in VAB, you can just temporarily remove any crew members from your vessel.
  13. Thanks for the fix, working nicely in RP-0 now.
  14. Are you sure it's the CPU that's bottlenecking the performance? For me it doesn't really run that much worse than stock game based on CPU usage. The visual mods on the other hand are really bringing my lowly laptop GPU to it's knees. I think scatterer is especially at fault. You could also run for example MSI Afterburner and check what percent of GPU usage you are getting?
  15. Interesting... Are the stock intakes supposed to also supply IntakeAtm resource? For me they apparently aren't working that way. Only parts I could find for for that resource, are the scoops.
  16. I'm having some real issues with keeping the karbonite-atmosphere jet engines fed with enough air. Specifically I'm using the KAE-150S engine with KA-400LA intake. Currently a single engine would require more than 1 intake to not run out of air, or one of those beefier 2.5m intakes. Yea, sure I could slap on more intakes but the added drag makes it almost impossible to get up to speeds where the engines would really kick in. Even at >20km altitude on Eve, I'm unable to reach mach 1. Any thoughts?
  17. For me, 1.3 actually improved FPS for high partcount vessels by about 50%. I noticed it on a 250 part station that went from ~10 FPS to ~15. That's a huge difference in the playability of the game. So personally, I'm definitely looking forward to the 1.3 update for RP-0.
  18. Maybe the drills/pumps you are using require a minimum resource concentration of at least 2.5% to function at all. At least the small stock drills work that way. Also, how did you manage to get these parts to the surface of Eve? As tons of small shipments inside fairings? The Tundra parts have an abysmal heat tolerance of 1200K and tend to suddenly explode with even small re-entry heating.
  19. As far as I know, KJR does not do any changes to your craft that would persist between reloads. Each time your craft is loaded, the joint strengthening is applied again and only remains so for as long as the craft is in physics range. Also, according to GitHub, Ferram didn't do any functional changes for this release. So it should work exactly the same as my recompile or the previous official release for 1.2.2. Although he did add slightly different version check into the code and hopefully KJR will now also work for people who reported that my recompile did nothing for them.
  20. There can't be any issues if you delete the /GameData/KerbalJointReinforcement folder and then install the official release. Or just overwrite all the contents of that folder. I'm not sure whether CKAN will offer an automatic update. For me it showed that the plugin was autodetected but I can't remember whether I originally had it installed with CKAN or it was just copied there.
  21. No but you can continously adjust the final ascent angle value to keep the time to Ap value whatever you want it to be.
  22. Did a bit more testing. Previously I had 'Planetary warehouse' enabled only on the storage of my mining base. Now I also checked it in my main base and am no longer getting the previously mentioned issue. So currently planetary logistics looks to be clearly the better-working option. Should probably ship a nuclear reactor in and move my mining base outside of the main base's physics range to also gain a couple of FPS in the process.
  23. Did some poking around in the code and it looks like the planetary logistics has a 5% penalty for pushing resources to storage. Although that's small enough to not make much difference at all. Edit: it looks like the penalty should also be applied for pulling from planetary. So 10% total for transferring from one base to another.
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