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Posts posted by ArtemisAZ

  1. 1 hour ago, Kerbas_ad_astra said:

    It's possible to delete the "Squad" and "PathPatches" folders and just have Ven's new parts on their own, but otherwise I'm not aware of a good way to make VSR and Restock play nice together.  You could construct a patch that lets both Ven's and Nertea's variants coexist for fuel tanks and maybe probe cores, but that will be much more difficult or perhaps impossible for engines, RCS thrusters, and any other functional parts.

    Think I see what you're saying, would it be possible to use just the models by themselves and apply entirely new configs to them so it's acting standalone from everything?

  2. Would be absolutely neato to see D12 stuff integrated into B9 in someway. I've been doing some testing to see how broken things are and to see if it can be used standalone but I'm not holding my breath on it since not only is this old in terms of game version but given it's reliance on B9 I think things might've changed around in the core mod that this thing won't be able to reference such as the textures it shares with the existing B9 parts.

  3. 1 hour ago, Dman979 said:

    And to keep things on-topic:


    The double mouth is what freaks me out the most, I physically recoil seeing that image and it's been burnt into my retinas.

    I have a terrible feeling that when I finally am granted the privilege to die, that is going to be the only image awaiting me in the cold ethereal oblivion for eternity eugh.

  4. My big issue with this is if we start making Kerbals more unique and individualized we end up growing more attached to them, the more we get attached to them the more we want to ensure they stick around and don't go poof, and frankly designing my ships to be safe or not explode immediately upon testing is something that's way out of the budget my dude.

    Joking aside, I dig having some more variety of Kerbals and always welcome new dudes to add to my ever growing list of those lost in unfortunate unplanned aerospace-related incidents.

  5. 23 minutes ago, ShuttlePilot said:

    Very true and simple explanations. Even if Kerbals doesn't have nose, they breathe with their skin. Because I'm pretty sure they're plant-alike beings.

    Other then the green skin that could possibly be indicative of chlorophyll I don't exactly see what really throws up definitive proof that they would fall in the planet category rather then animal. Heck there are even animals that are showed to possess chlorophyll such as certain species of sea slug and plankton or some animals that utilize a symbiotic relationship with algae within their skin. It's cool stuff and I always kinda head canon'd this was the case with Kerbals integrating colonies of algae into their skin to take advantage of photosynthesis thus their slight green hue. Only problem would be that given the limited surface area of a Kerbal that would be exposed to sunlight at all times and the fact that they're a rather complicated creature relying on photosynthesis exclusively is a bad idea since you're missing out on a whole crap ton of key nutrients you need as well as it just not delivering all that much energy to you. Might explain why Kerbals also take snacks with them, nutrition and more calories. Perhaps they can survive in a state of near stasis using photosynthesis? This is not even bringing up the problem with water. 

    Plus like I said they are implied (indirectly at least ) to possess complicated organ systems that you would typically find on animals. Eyes, tongues, problem solving abilities, self-perception, emotional responses, and overall cognition implying the existence of a nervous system and brain. Teeth implying the existence of a skeletal structure or at least a jaw / skull for the teeth to actually set within. It's kinda implied Kerbals have lungs we see them talk, inhale through their mouth, yawn and gasp. They just seem to have way too many aspects that would make them seem like animals rather then plants.

  6. Kerbals are just stumpy little green people that can do people things but are slightly better then people because they come in a much more optimized compact size which is more suitable for transportation and hugging.


    Debris: Traditionally, KSP stuff just blows up. Even metal parts with no fuel kind of "poof" away to nothing if they hit past a certain speed. I know one of the devs said that we could harvest ships etc for building resources at colonies, so why shouldn't we be able to recover debris from failed launches?

    Bodies: Many Kerbals will die. Do Kerbals "poof" away in KSP2? Do they leave remains? Maybe the remains are nothing more than a statue marker (kid friendly) of the lost Kerbal, and we can get some benefit or something from returning our heroes remains to Kerbin?

    Waste: Do Kerbals poop? Do they shower? I don't recall anything having been said about it other than maybe they will require more resources to perform at their best. Can we turn Kerbal pellets into Kerbal chow?

    Reproduction: I don't want to think about this. 


    I'm particularly thinking about the bodies, given the amount of importance Humans give to the act of recovering remains. Do Kerbals care about such things, given how much they seem to care about rescuing the living Kerbals?

    Debris: I mean we do that sorta in game already with the original KSP. Parts across the KSP will be recovered and possibly either sold for scrap. Probably not a great idea to repurpose those parts as they might be structurally compromised but hey these are kerbals who know.

    Bodies: I mean Kerbals are organic. They have teeth, have organs capable of processing complex food and carbohydrates (they eat sandwiches), they have lungs as we see them speak and a rather cool complicated larynx at that. If they do end up getting injured they probably might end up turning into a fine red (or green, we don't know what Kerbal blood looks like) mist or pile of assorted viscera. We can't exactly show that though because the censors will break our legs again. I would totally be down seeing some sort of electronic marker to designate where a Kerbal died but most likely any remains would probably be cremated or even buried underground provided they're in an accessible area and it's viable enough to pick up their body. If they can't for whatever reason I'm sure they'll get upset over the fact just as we would in real life.

    Waste: Kerbals eat. Kerbals poop. As for showers, all creatures technically clean themselves and I know people have used the argument that Kerbals don't have noses so they don't have a reason to shower but come on do we really shower just to smell nice?

    Reproduction: Their are female Kerbals and are male Kerbals, biologically that means there is some form of interaction going on to produce a little Kerbling. It's probably the same way we do it just slightly goofier looking given the proportions. Maybe the difference between the Kerbal sexes are just skin deep and they're actually hermaphroditic or asexual and that whether you're male or female (as far as Kerbals go, we don't know if their are any cases of Non-Binary Kerbals) is just your preference although the different head shape might throw off that theory.

    Who knows man, just head canon it like everyone else has been doing up until this point. Define your own reality

  7. 4 hours ago, sp1989 said:

    I know its blasphemy but i am not a fan of tantares. I want a kerbal look as well as I like keeping my part count down. We have the ability to make an R7 rocket and vostok rockets. But there isn't a mod that I have found atleast that is just a kerbalized TMA. Especially since with making history we essentially have THREE TMA orbital modules. A TMA service module is easy enough to make stock but I figured your TMA would be perfect. No worries though, thank you for all of your mods. They really fill almost all of my KSP gaps. Best Wishes. 

    Funny you should mention that cause I'm actually working on a a couple retextures of Tantares' and BDB's parts to better match a more cleaner (overly detailed) modern aesthetic that falls pretty closely in line with Nertea's restock so stay tuned for that my dude.


  8. Hiya dude, Been enjoying your mod to help pad out my parts list on my current career run as it really helps fit some niches I've been looking for. Only problem is I'm getting some lag using the parts more often then vanilla stock ones or ones added by other mods and load times when starting the game tends to hang up a bit more when loading your parts. I think this might be caused by them using .png rather then the more commonly used dds which has become the new standard since it's easier to load them by memory. There's some tools to convert them floating around the forums.

    Other then that hanks for this awesome mod. Definitely going to be one of my staples in most of my runs

  9. 12 minutes ago, bjornadri said:

    hey guys, loving the parts but i have one question: any chance we're getting UR-700 sometime in the future?

    You could actually assemble one pretty quickly with the parts we already got right now my dude, gotta think with the lego framework here since so many existing parts can easily be reused in different designs. Here let me get a quick example

    EDIT:  Scratch that, won't let me post images...


  10. Would you be cool changing my name to ArtemisAZ? Bit of a dumb reference to something I'm working on that I just kinda like now that I'm looking at it

    21 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

    Okay, but broccoli doesn't stink. It is yummy. 

    Don't know what sort of broccoli you got access to but every broccoli I've ever had smells and tastes like vinegar and cigarette butts.

    Granted I live right right next to a steel mill and a disposal site for chemical waste so maybe that's the cause of it...

  11. 6 minutes ago, Bej Kerman said:

    And you're just going to pretend these things can be done in a snap? They're doing something that no-one else except a few bothers to do. You've seen the trailers, they have the game in a (somewhat) functional state, they've done better than Squad have so far and all the game needs now is lots of polish, bug fixing and pandering to this self-entitled community.

    THIS ^

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