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I got BCed

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Everything posted by I got BCed

  1. ahh yeah well spotted I wanted 100EC's to be one MW. It is a shame about the resource handler. what about a way to remove beamed power, warp, plasma/dt engines and the ISRU's ?
  2. how much work would be required to recode the plugin to uniformly use "electricCharge" in place of "Megajoules" with a scaling factor of 1 EC = 1000 MJ ?
  3. bug report: when firing a sepertron from a kerbal's back (I modified the Addmodule.cfg) no thrust is applied. I guess that it's a thrust transform issue. I dunno If this can or will be fixed, but I for one would like to see what happens when you apply a rocket directly to a kerbal.
  4. Feature Request: Could vessels with activated detectors continue to scan even when not the currently played vehicle? That would save a lot of waiting for my satellites to scan things. Also kudos on the quick update
  5. admittedly, no, but when one detonation is moving your praperisis by 1000000 m there's a line that's crossed
  6. god, there is no finesse in this "engine", 1 nuke is knocking my orbit around like the ship's made of paper. ammo selector for different yield devices would be a nice feature down the line
  7. could this be adjusted to use the main throttle controls and activate/deactivate KSPfieldsevents? I don't want to have to hold down a key to work the engine. Otherwise a fantastic mod, keep up the good work.
  8. Thanks hmm guess I'll have to wait for the optimizations to arrive. OK but don't just go cranking the clocks without reviewing your load temps. Heat KILLS computers. (Trust me I've killed enough) And the reason for shutting down cores (if it was explained to me correctly) is so you don't have to raise the voltages; or at least not as much.
  9. If done correctly and adaquately cooled overclocked cpus can give a trouble free performance boost. However care is needed in overclocking. whether it shortens CPU life I couldn't tell you, however its a gaming computer, I'm not going to keep it 10 years. I should clarify I am after more parts in a vessel rather than more part types loaded.
  10. (This is a hardware support thread, sorry if its in the wrong place) I am running an AMD FX4100 based system already clocked at 4GHz. What I'm wondering is will shutting down one of the compute units (effectively killing two cores) and cranking the overclock improve the Max part count achievable in KSP?
  11. OK I think I know what your getting at now. I believe that a lot of the part placement code from the VAB works in the flight scene, so you can get a kerbal to grab a part and still test it's placement in the usual manner.
  12. Hang on so let me clear this up. You'd like to be able to pull together and connect multiple ships in EVA, and surface mount parts including fuel lines (and presumably struts. Who doesn't like struts?) As far as I am aware no plugin does that. With the exception of pulling ships together and docking them in EVA it MIGHT be possible. However how you'd pull it off in game play would require a lot of careful thought. You need to consider how you want to get the spare parts into space. Do you want kerbals to remove parts too? How will they hold the part? Can they use ladders while they do? Can they drop the parts? As well as any other issues that you can think of. Once you've done that go make a concise but detailed post in the addon's request section; and maybe someone will give you a hand.
  13. I don't recall ever hearing about such a mod. To be on the safe side you might want to request it in the requests section.
  14. I'll admit this looks bloody cool, but what I'd really like to see is a ****ing big engine like yours curled up in, a 3-5m cylinder, that can be deployed in space and tow a traditional Kerbal ship between the planets (and later stars).
  15. I've wanted to do something like this for ages, but don't have the resources to do it alone. It's nice to see another person who want's a "total conversion pack". as I said it's something I've always wanted to do and am willing to do; I just need some fellow modders to help take on the inordinate task of producing 200+ parts and holding down a real life too. @DSLS I'm going to guess you have great community connections with your one post, however if you here from any active modders interested in doing something like this kindly point them in my direction. @tom1499 Novapunch lacks in many areas. Especially balance
  16. dude carts are stock now. Just add the right partmodule and some wheel colliders!!!
  17. Ahh Yes... I forgot bodies where quandtrees rather than mesh objects. Well what I want to do is put a few asteroids in orbit of something, so i guess I could clone Gilly. Having minute experience with KSP code injection, and as I already have the tread open; can I call: GameObject minmus = GameObject.Find("Minmus"); GameObject.Instantiate(minmus, minmus.transform.position + Vector3.right * 200000, minmus.transform.rotation); any time I want a new minus to appear?
  18. sorry but it's been done: Quantum fuel transfer mod Even works inter vessel
  19. May I suggest a capsule support module to go under the pod like stage 4 on the Apollo mission. It could include: Solar panels + ASAS/MJ + Small amount of RCS propellent / thrusters + Big Batteries + De-coupler (pod side) + small amount of fuel NO ENGINE Im imagining a 2.5M Diamiter x 2.5M Length part with a stupidly complicated segmented design and block coloured texture. Modeling so it looks in place if/when life support is added could be great too.
  20. OK my post was a bit vague: Who and is there any remaining data on these slightly battered forums
  21. Has anyone found a way to add celestial bodys to the map with a plugin?
  22. there should be a "have" between "you" and "alienfx" in the poll but I can't edit it EDIT: Fixed -Navy4422 If I make an AlienFX plugin to hook the lighting up to some game events and variables (SAS/RCS status over the relevant keys + throttle and maybe stagelock) will anyone want it? For those that haven't heard of it AlienFX is a dynamic multicoloured lighting system fitted to all Alienware Computers.
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