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Posts posted by coyotesfrontier

  1. On 8/7/2020 at 4:15 PM, Alex33212 said:

    Is there a list of what IRL engines the reworked engine models are based off of? I'm curious what some of them are, like the Skipper.

    And thanks for all the hard work y'all have done!!!

    Pretty sure the Swivel and Reliant are the XLR-105-5 (Atlas Core Engine) and XLR-89-5 (Atlas Booster Engine), respectively.

    Terrier bears a resemblence to the Lunar Module Descent Engine, but I'm not fully sure if it's based on it.

    Puff is probably the Space Shuttle's OMS engine.

  2. Lo siento por mi mal español, estoy usando el traductor de Google. El mod que estás buscando se llama "Kerbal Konstructs" y está disponible aquí: 

    A pesar de ser para la versión 1.8.1, funciona bien en 1.10.1.

  3. 22 hours ago, Demordrah said:

    I just lost another career save due to crashing and corrupted save data, which has been an ongoing problem with this game since I started in June 2019.

    Everything I have created and accomplished in this game in the year+ that I have been playing is gone, for the second time.  I can't keep doing this.

    This is really heartbreaking ;.;

    I don't think it's the dev's fault for not including backups, Sony and Microsoft don't typically allow games to have a backup system for fear of exploits.

  4. I've always wondered what Godzilla's atomic breath could actually be composed of. It's depicted as glowing bright blue, is extremely hot, and highly radioactive.


    However, the plume from a nuclear salt-water rocket from Nertea's upcoming Far Future Tech mod for KSP is an exact match for it, including in temperature and radioactivity:


    Given that Godzilla comes from the ocean, and his body probably contains the uranium isotopes that gave him his powers and made him grow so large, I think it's highly likely that his breath is the result of a NSW reaction.

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