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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. What is not working in 1.3 ? maybe the only change would be names ?
  2. O man that is a hard way to do it you can download the free unity and it will be a lot easier you but if you do you might also do a test install of ksp and have JSI and all the ASET stuff installed and change all the textures to png or tga some you can see them in unity
  3. Looks like you are making them really thick also but you should be able to rotate them easy in unity just by holding a click on them and move what ever way you want if I remember right
  4. You don't set the gimbaltransform in unity has far as I know you just pick a part of the model like what ever there calling the bell or use thrustTransform I guess you could set one in unity just don't know why if you don't have to you just need the name of the part you want to gimbal And looking at that model RS88 think was the name there using for the bell so the bell should gimbal and the thrusttransform is tied to the bell
  5. You can try this for node https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/NodeHelper/releases And on the cfg there are a couple of MODULE you can use the stock ones which her are harder to use and really IMO is junk and there is a plugin by shadowmage which a handful of mods use There is also this thread but a lot is outdated
  6. If you missed it https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/DockingCameraKURS/releases
  7. Back in the day lol they used a plugin called CleverWalrus there was a couple of mods that used it for rovers but thought most of it got put into stock game not sure about that.
  8. That was a lot of it was to not have a crew unless it was inflated, I'm pretty sure or for it to not spawn a crew unless inflated.
  9. You should have a crash log what version KSP you running and what version is the mod pack wanting ? EDIT- You still using KSP 1.0 ?
  10. It does what is not working for you ? Do you have ModuleManager.*.*.* installed ?
  11. It's because the DockingPortAlignmentIndicator.version {"NAME":"Docking Port Alignment Indicator","URL":"http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=361","DOWNLOAD":"http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/40423-11-docking-port-alignment-indicator-version-621-beta-updated-04122016/","CHANGE_LOG_URL":"http://sourcedreams.com/DPAI_CHANGELOG.txt","VERSION":{"MAJOR":6,"MINOR":7,"PATCH":0,"BUILD":0},"KSP_VERSION":{"MAJOR":1,"MINOR":3,"PATCH":0},"KSP_VERSION_MIN":{"MAJOR":1,"MINOR":3,"PATCH":0},"KSP_VERSION_MAX":{"MAJOR":1,"MINOR":3,"PATCH":0}} It has KSP 1.3.0 if you would change it to 1.3.1 you wouldn't get the warning
  12. Do you even know what the numbers mean ? If it would even work it would be 0 has the docking node is MODULE is 0 that's how you would target it with a MM but docking is not a animation but Porkjets used a plugin you can find his work here Also @bcink You might look here there using the USI Tools plugin and the modules looks like MODULE { name = USIAnimation deployAnimationName = Inflato1Inflate inflatable = true CrewCapacity = 6 }
  13. If you have toolbar also you should have a smokescreen button click on it and there is a nice list there
  14. You are free to take it out but think some of them where put in for reentry and splash down but could be wrong
  15. just Do you have ModuleManager.*.*.* installed ?
  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariane_5 No where do you see it as a three stage the only spot it talks about the boosters being a stage is on the Ariane 5 ME and look here and tell me what you see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariane_(rocket_family) Ariane 5 90 / 94 (as of July 2017[update]) G, G+, GS, ECA 6,950–10,500 kg (15,320–23,150 lb) 16,000–21,000 kg (35,000–46,000 lb) 46–52 m (151–171 ft) 720,000–780,000 kg (1,590,000–1,720,000 lb) 2 stages And really the thread is about the James Webb Telescope not the Ariane V launcher
  17. Welcome @Texian Nerd if you mean making a mod or playing around with parts you might try starting here
  18. I'm guessing you do have ModuleManager.*.*.* install because you said your making a MM or patch did you install Ven's wrong ? Path should be KSP/GameData/VenStockRevamp
  19. Maybe TextureReplacerReplacer can do it and i'm sure there are a lot of use that will write cfg for it any way for all kinds of mods
  20. Here some newer links to them https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/releases/tag/v7.6.0 These haven't changed
  21. Sadly it's rights reserved. So no one can pick it up But don't see what could be wrong if you have up to date plugins
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