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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. They load up just fine for me did you change the folder path or install it wrong ? Path should be KSP/GameData/RSCapsuledyne
  2. Looking great can't wait to see this in game
  3. Maybe your looking for this thread which would be the newer one out ?
  4. Here all them are can't find the engine and don't see anything why it might not have loaded https://www.dropbox.com/s/xywjcryi3c7m8lv/BrickMod_TEST3.zip?dl=0
  5. Try this left them MBM don't know I put them MBM's next time will make them png and sorry didn't check them after I made them dds and fixed the nodes on those parts https://www.dropbox.com/s/gl2necf3ycfocjh/BrickModTestPARTS - 2.zip?dl=0
  6. Here is 2 parts changed over just in case I missed something after changing the cfg alittle I didn't see a change but let me know if this fixed the problem on them and then I will try to get the others https://www.dropbox.com/s/bd6vuywlnbepzzm/BrickModTestPARTS.zip?dl=0 If @Bottle Rocketeer 500 can't get around to it or me i'm sure some one can and thanks for all you do @linuxgurugamer for KSP
  7. Page 10 , Six post from the bottom did you update all plugins in this mod ? And think that's the wrong log file you posted should be a KSP.log think
  8. What would happen if you had 2 parts that had 2 different IVA ? And then you lose me on the window in this IVA why would you do that its to look like you controlling a probe from far away lol to funny IMA the other there are so many IVA's out there writing a MM to cover them all and pick what ever you wanted would be a lot of work now if you picked a part of a mod that you wanted to use that could be done now but more then 1 IVA pretty sure you would have to find a way to load and unload IVA's depending on what one you picked from because looks like KSP loads all parts of a craft up and if there was more then one IVA to pick from wow the memory load I would think, On that not many would use or could
  9. Don't think it will work like you want so far as picking what IVA you wanted at anytime but the work around you could pick a IVA you wanted to use but just a guess maybe your thinking that the probe control room is seating at KSC which that was the point of the mod but in game it's right where the probe is at that's my guess how there getting around the physics range problem it's just a little code magic lol that you see the probe in space in not the room floating around doing all the stuff
  10. I think so far has up to date this is about it
  11. You mean with the smoke like that ? Or just plumes more real like you have And you have which RealPlumes is just hotrockets but they have added the edited files and you can call it more less by a name for set FX
  12. Looking at that model you might try and change to gimbaltransformName = RS88 and much like JadeOfMaar pointed out you might lower it to your like EDIT- and here you can get a handing little plugin to get some of the names you might need
  13. I did read all the post here and have played this game for sometime now and know of the other solar panels and don't look like you was the one to start the thread and was asking in the first place so why you replying to me I don't know as i'm sure they can make up there own mind know where did I say they had to use it so not to be rude but thanks for your some what useless reply to me have a great day
  14. If you wanted them to retract and are running ModuleManager *.*.* you could write a MM like this @PART[solarPanels3] { @MODULE[ModuleDeployableSolarPanel] { %retractable = true } } @PART[solarPanels4] { @MODULE[ModuleDeployableSolarPanel] { %retractable = true } } It has been sometime that I write MM's patches but pretty sure that's it hope it helps
  15. Thanks for this @linuxgurugamer this is a great mod to play with but why you have when he wasn't the originally person ? When it was Tabakhase 53 but thanks to all who have worked on it don't get me wrong
  16. You just add MODULE { name = ModuleGimbal gimbalTransformName = ******* //<----- The name of what you want to gimbal this can be the thrusttransformer or the bell gimbalRange = * //<--- and range 1 throught 5 lets say } and you could have just copied what ever you posted in the thread if some one dont have a google account its asking for stuff hope it helps
  17. No i'm no good at wheels but will try and play around with it
  18. @Jhorriga I also used TextureReplacerReplaced and the one before it and see I have one of them, I added the MODULE for it to the cfg's I posted I can try and take them out and just make a cfg for it to be add if the have them mod installed if needed if there is any problems and you need help with let me know you can pm if you want
  19. Unless I posted the wrong file it was the one I used last time I played ksp which was 1.2.2 or 1.3.0 who can keep count EDIT- Whoops might have posted the wrong one look at file installs last time played 1.2 I had these https://www.dropbox.com/s/qmy4u41ptq2qjm1/Lionhead_Aerospace_Inc_v1.42.zip?dl=0
  20. @akron Would it be to much to ask if we could get a transform maybe named Cam on the parts that are Camera's or some type of viewing lens ? So we can use the parts with a plugin like docking cam or JSI and list go's on or a download to the models before they are made in to MU ?
  21. @Jhorriga I'm Mecripp forgot my password on other account had to make new one this was the last time, I updated Lionhead probes think it was ksp 1.3.0 Link removed wrong file feel free to take a look and use anything you need
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