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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. ModuleResourceConverter or ModuleGenerator and ModuleResourceHarvester and CModuleFuelLine or KAS pipe and write a Resources cfg for all your new found stuff
  2. He don't need a plugin from what it sounds like you could use stock module's to do it
  3. There are a lot of parts from a lot of mods you could use but the last quote is kind of funny, But you want some one to do all this for you with you not even going to trying ? You can make any part do pretty much what ever you want. EDIT- LOL Good luck
  4. You don't need MKS or USI just make your own list of stuff to make would work as long as you know how to edit a cfg not that hard just takes time
  5. That would be like this +PART[liquidEngine1-2] { @name = MyNewEngine @description = fell of the back of a competitors rocket @title = A second hand engine @manufacturer = South end scrap }
  6. Your looking for this in the cfg or a patch somewhere MODULE { name = TRReflection <--------- This shader = Reflective/******* colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 interval = 1 } If your using FASA 7.2 i think it is open the FASA folder and you will see 4 file like this FASA_Apollo_TR
  7. What KSP you using 1.2 or 1.3 and you know what plugin your using TextureReplacer or TextureReplacerReplacer or did someone update the plugin that use to be with the mod ?
  8. when you mouse over pod did you turn it on ? If so and no go can send you a pm if you want
  9. Some would work yes it was last updated for 1.1 if you know how to edit a cfg like open it with notepad it wouldn't take a whole lot to get it up to par just some time
  10. @silentvelcro I see your using a different TextureReplacer then the one being maintained TextureReplacerReplacer for those of use that use it alittle change is need like @PART[AltairAscentEngine]:HAS[!MODULE[TRR_Reflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRR_Reflection] { %name = TRR_Reflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 1 %meshes = Manifold } }
  11. If you can edit a cfg add MODULE { name = JSIAdvTransparentPod } this to the pod and like I said it's not the same has it was EDIT- Or you can make a MM you can use @PART[LER_Pod] { MODULE { name = JSIAdvTransparentPod } } @PART[AltairlanderPod] { MODULE { name = JSIAdvTransparentPod } }
  12. Now to do that you need it was JSI doing that then but that has been took out and made it's own mod, I know it don't look the same has it did but that's it hope it helps
  13. you might look at the code here it had a target track
  14. If you need help with that part post in that thread
  15. You can't say that , That's why we have kerbal space we can fly them and make them look good well some times , Some times they end up just like NASA boom
  16. Looks like you took the docking node off the model hope it helps
  17. Looks like a model by liquidhype that was never released ?
  18. I did a update along time ago maybe around ksp 1.05 haven't looked to see what @Phineas Freak has posted but on the main thread there where 2 downloads at one time one for RSS and one for Stock found the files I had and here they are RSS https://www.dropbox.com/s/oh9j7f6i21xv62q/bahaConstellationv1.31RSS.zip?dl=0 Stock https://www.dropbox.com/s/tlrnamgt82mf0yf/bahaConstellationv1.25Standard.zip?dl=0
  19. The plugin is for ksp 1.3 you are 1.2 that might be your problem ?
  20. That part it'd stopping on needs the Resources file that's in Firespitter folder if you just downloaded the new Firespitter plugin your missing the folder just download the whole new Firespitter and you can delete all the parts
  21. Check install path should be KSP/GameData/CTN loads for me
  22. Think you mean KOS
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