Unless I'm missing it you need to add
vesselType = Probe
And if it was me I would do
vesselType = Probe
name = ModuleProbeControlPoint
minimumCrew = 1
multiHop = True
hibernationMultiplier = 0.00125
%Mode = Terrain,#autoLOC_438839 //#autoLOC_438839 = Terrain
name = ModuleScienceContainer
reviewActionName = #autoLOC_502201 //#autoLOC_502201 = Review Stored Data
storeActionName = #autoLOC_502202 //#autoLOC_502202 = Store Experiments
evaOnlyStorage = True // i.e. can nearby regular vessels also do this, or EVA only
storageRange = 1.3
canBeTransferredToInVessel = True
canTransferInVessel = True