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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. Guinea pig up then https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/BargainRockets.zip Changed or added TechRequired = start category = *** To match stock parts KSP 1.2.+ maxTemp = " And change or added newer stock MODULE for 1.2.+ EDIT- And changed all Textures to dds format Credit to @Rubber Ducky License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
  2. I will make a quick pass through it and post a link when done for some guinea pig to try out
  3. I tried to use the stock vernor Engine and ran it back through unity but the emitter is not just a transform best i can tell it a particle emitter setting and unity got it to work some what just need to found out how to use the smoke uv that this mod uses but haven't found out how to still playing around maybe @Dr_Goddard knows how
  4. Feel free to formal release it and i will try and help you if anything comes up
  5. I hope we all can move on now with no hard feelings you both do so much for KSP and give the rest of us something to play with thank you both @linuxgurugamer if you want you can add this to your list , I have giving it alittle update and it's pretty much the same and if you need help with it let me know
  6. The plugin has best has i know is just so you can't crew it before infating it and in some cases rotation but if you don't care about that you can drop the plugin and just edit the cfg
  7. Here is alittle update https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/NEBULA.zip Changed TechRequired = start PhysicsSignificance = 0 Added bulkheadProfiles = srf tags = NEBULA Decals DRAG_CUBE { none = True } All Credit to Krasimir License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
  8. So does the part just need a emitter for the smoke ?
  9. Could just be some MM patches if you look at a cfg you see CoPOffset = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0 CoLOffset = 0.0, -0.35, 0.0 also you will see MODULE { name = ModuleLiftingSurface useInternalDragModel = False deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.35 liftingSurfaceCurve = CapsuleBottom disableBodyLift = False omnidirectional = False perpendicularOnly = True transformDir = Y transformSign = -1 nodeEnabled = True attachNodeName = bottom }
  10. On air intake you just need a transformer for it just like a engine you have a part will take a look EDIT- Most of this are old
  11. You still might just be out of range here is a link to the range it looks like
  12. Looking at the scansat folder there is a MM_Parts folder and them are all patches looks like they have the stock scanners in there and then some here are the stock patch @PART[OrbitalScanner]:FOR[SCANsat] { MODULE { name = ModuleSCANresourceScanner sensorType = 256 fov = 3 min_alt = 10000 max_alt = 500000 best_alt = 150000 scanName = Ore Scan RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.4 } } MODULE { name = SCANresourceDisplay sensorType = 256 ResourceName = Ore } } @PART[SurfaceScanner]:FOR[SCANsat] { MODULE { name = SCANresourceDisplay sensorType = 256 ResourceName = Ore } } @PART[SurveyScanner]:FOR[SCANsat] { MODULE { name = ModuleSCANresourceScanner sensorType = 524288 fov = 5 min_alt = 15000 max_alt = 1000000 best_alt = 150000 scanName = Resource Scan RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.5 } } } so just looking you are out of range for one of them I'm blind it should be working
  13. If your looking at the scansat map then yes unless there is a patch for the scanners your using or your out of range for the scanners
  14. We will launch many kerbals in your name
  15. You can try this edit the cfg open it with something like notepad fine where you see DeployFxModules = 0 And change it to DeployFxModules = 1
  16. Just put it in your KSP/GameData folder anywhere and have ModuleManager *.*.* installed hope it helps
  17. Just put it in your KSP/GameData folder anywhere and have ModuleManager *.*.* installed hope it helps
  18. @lextacy I think my scale might have changed out of time now but will take a look at it later to make sure will be in touch later.
  19. Sorry seen you reply alittle late I just add 1 transformer named suncatcher and it looks like it works but now have alittle flicker in the textures will send you a PM
  20. I have ran your part back through unity and don't have the crash but I didn't setup the solar panel part on it do you just add a transformer and a pivot transformer ? Or can you point me to a good tutorial on how ?
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