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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. Thought the transform was set different in unity might try and take a look what engine are you trying with ? EDIT- looking at it looks like just the transform in unity one is set RCSthruster where engines are thrustTransform
  2. You can also get so here this way you can see them before hand https://nasa3d.arc.nasa.gov/models
  3. And to scale it down have you tried to rescale = * in the cfg ?
  4. Small update to the LH CircularPanel mod https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/LH LandersProbes/LH_CircularPanel_v5.0.zip changed ( category = Electrical , maxTemp , added bulkheadProfiles , thermalMassModifier , emissiveConstant , heatConductivity , tags ) and added FStextureSwitch2 so if you have the Firespitter plugin installed you can change the textures from black to blue thanks too COL.R.Neville for that all credit to @Yogui87 for models and textures
  5. pretty ugly ? Have you seen all them ? There i posted 2
  6. You mean make one of them long or just scale it up ?
  7. Yes some have used NASA models in there mods but as it has been pointed out that most are high polycounts but you can use them
  8. @SpannerMonkey(smce) is there chance of getting one with 4 landing legs ?
  9. These are great nice that you don't need a plugin been trying to make the chinook chopper but not that good a making planes or choppers lol
  10. Looks like one of ZZZ's parts and like SpaceMouse has pointed out it would be easier to just name then the same just thrust transforms but if you want it like that you just wrote the cfg wrong MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE PREFAB_PARTICLE Should be one after the other just with there right names to me that is just the hard way just rename them would be faster and easy
  11. Was you just having a problem with the texture ? If so you can't use a dds in unity covert your texture after you run it through here used a stock probe core cfg https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/help/Disk.zip
  12. O man didn't even think about use a texture switcher for that hehe will give it a try
  13. Here is alittle update to the LH probe pack https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/LH LandersProbes/LH_LandersProbes_v1.42.zip for testing will try and change the old LH fairing to stock or at less try and fix them some more changed all textures to DDS and changed some MODULE to the ksp 1.2 MODULE added tags,bulkheadProfiles all credit to @Yogui87
  14. Would help to know what mod and there isn't really anything i have seen on editing cfg's but might have missed it about the only things that you would need a model software for and unity is for the landing legs or adding props to a part
  15. You don't have to make a empty GameObject if you do that on a engine you will have to do alittle more work in unity can you post your dae file and textures ?
  16. Must give this a try thanks Frizzank
  17. release ? O little kerbals hands can't wait
  18. What you have is better then using ModuleResourceConverter, ModuleGenerator can do and pretty much was doing all the ModuleResourceConverter before it made it in to stock ksp
  19. Lets not say stole just using so of Nertea code
  20. The part did have a antenna but i didn't see anything in the cfgs i had of it but i might have a older one and if you have one on yours then guess you don't need the patch then
  21. Here is a patch to work with stock antennas @PART[SampleReturnCapsule_Parachute] { MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter antennaType = DIRECT packetInterval = 0.6 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 12.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge antennaPower = 1500000 antennaCombinable = False } MODULE { name = ModuleScienceContainer reviewActionName = Review Stored Data storeActionName = Store Experiments evaOnlyStorage = True storageRange = 1.6 } }
  22. yes you could do that to alot of ways to skin a kerbal
  23. At one time I was going to make decaying batteries and solar panels and rtg's but that would be alittle hard core
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