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Everything posted by TheFlyingKerman

  1. Err... I did not expect such difficulty, is it because my flight profile is different? For my 22t chemical ship: I start the rocket engine at 16000m. Speed: 815m/s (on Panthers alone). Note that I am also climbing at over 300m/s. Drag: 26.1kN, a little higher than half of your MK1 design. 22000m Speed: 976m/s Drag: 10.7kN. The spaceplane reaches 1200m/s at 28600m. Drag: 4.2kN
  2. That is the most efficient use of a spaceplane... The spaceplane can then carry a transfer stage as cargo that goes everywhere.
  3. Never mind, it just looks like the plane has enough dV for this mission. In my experience cargo SSTO's are indeed more flexible. 2 CG-04 sections with 2.5t payload would be useful, 3 sections with 3.5t payload would be good. My landers are unusually light and small, though.
  4. I am mainly concerned with the crewed parts overheating. That 4700 dv would be enough for going to Dres orbit and return, but is this thing supposed to crash into the Kerbin atmosphere at 3500m/s?
  5. You may use the usual HG-55 or 88-88 antenna. Just retract it when entering the atmosphere. When you reach the lower atmosphere, slow down using a parachute, then extend the antenna to transmit. That said, for transmitting science you what signal strength >83% so that you get the maximum 40% science bonus. So a RA-100 relay in orbit is very useful, and in addition build a huge array of RA-100 on the Kerbin side. Another tip for the mission is that you need plenty of battery, at least 2000EC, because there is little solar power at Jool orbit and none when inside the atmosphere. An RTG is the recommended power source but it is still too slow.
  6. That's enough lumbering spaceplanes... https://kerbalx.com/TheFlyingKerman/R-XA-NervWhiplash-LKO-Tourbus
  7. I don't understand your objection about going into space like a rocket and how using LF only have anything to do with that. I don't think that SSTO challenge is suitable here.
  8. IMO the LF only requirement is restrictive, because the NERV is the only LF engine that works in vacuum. A low tech challenge is more interesting.
  9. A causal flight with my Panther contract survey plane. 35:30 IMO there should be different groups based on the engine used.
  10. I've got this low tech SSTO - just Panthers and Reliant. It is designed to carry cargo (you get contracts deploying satellites) but it should be easy to replace the aft cargo bay with passenger cabin and add docking port and RCS. https://kerbalx.com/TheFlyingKerman/HKA-4BII-SSTO If you want to fly planes, I've also got this https://kerbalx.com/TheFlyingKerman/LKA-1CIII These are built using an older version of KSP but should work with the latest version.
  11. On one hand we see people complaining science collection being to mechanical. The biomes are always the same and one just move form one to another and do the same clicking. On the other hand the survey and part test contracts seem to be less popular. Interestingly they are the more sciency contracts - for the survey contract one is supposed to do science at places with special scientific interest, part tests are supposedly related to developing space technology. It seems greatly increasing the science award for these contracts, so that they become a valid way of collecting science, would address both complaints. I did some tests with 10x science for surveys and 5x for part tests and it seems to work quite well. It would be even better if science multiplier also applies.
  12. Flipping rover is simply a non-issue thanks to a magical device known as reaction wheel.
  13. Because Duna has the same side always facing Ike an alternative is to have a relay orbiting Ike, assuming you confine your operation to that part of Duna (which is more interesting).
  14. There are some major differences. Parts can be partially submerged in water. Also boats work in a lower speed regime than planes. I tested the hydrofoil idea. It works to provide a lot of lift, but its drag is so high that I am better off without.
  15. I am building an ISRU seaplane for Laythe. With two junos for the 8 ton plane I can't get it to pick up sufficient speed to takeoff. My questions: 1. What hull form give the least drag for a given immersed volume? 2. Does aerodynamic surfaces work with increased lift when immersed?
  16. That would work. Maybe I should have required stock rocket engines only.
  17. Better terraform the Earth first, if that is really possible.
  18. I cannot connect to steamcommunity... How deep did you go? I'll add you to the leaderboard.
  19. It would make more sense if the munar lander does not re-enter the atmosphere. This design is closer than a direct ascend one. As for cutting things down: I'd discard the Terrier before entering the atmosphere. Then one parachute is enough. There is no need for the mono-propellant tank because the pod carries some. In general the engines are a bit overkill. Maybe spark for the lander, Terrier for the upper/transfer stage and Skipper + SRB for the boaster stage?
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