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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. Cool, immediately downloading on CKAN! Edit: The kraken always slings me to space when attempting to land.
  2. I don't know what I was doing that made me do this, but I just attempted hyperediting something I lazily built into a (Decent) orbit around Kerbol (Maybe about 1000000000 meters). Also, I fixed this by making a new galaxy. And yes, the seed is pi to the 9 digits.
  3. I think I downloaded TBG via Spacedock, so I wasn't thinking about the version I was using, and here's the text you wanted. Edit: Also, recently I found out, It still lets Kerbol be universal centre, so saves don't break between TBG being installed or not.
  4. The link for principia is broken. Heres a new link:
  5. Can't thank you enough, thought this cool little modlet was dead! Thanks!
  6. TBG isn't exactly working for me. I created the galaxy and it won't exactly (When I say that, I mean it won't work at all) work. Usual boring kerbol system when I proceed to the tracking system. P.S. Does this create a galactic core or is Kerbol still the center of the kerbal universe? (I say that so I can still use my usual save file) Edit: I'm a derp, I forgot to install Copernicus Edit 2: Working fine, but it's centered around a different star Is it possible that a kerbol - centered version of TBG will be released for people who... prefer it that way? Edit 3: It is kerbol centered, but it breaks Kerbol SOI and sets it to 9647km. Edit 4: I'll try to attach the galaxy files incase you wanted them Pacala is my fav. (I Don't know how to attach files)
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