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Everything posted by Georgegad

  1. I am using the standard game setting with no mods so you can tell me if i am using autostruts or not. I like to think I would know if I was, so i am going to guess no. I tried reloading a number of times and it happens every time. I do not know if it happens only with some of my ships or with all but they are mostly designed very similar and it is happening over completely different rocket rebuilds.
  2. My spaceship has sucessfully landed at minimus where it mined and refined its own fuel, then it flew to another planet. It is landed at Dres and has been refuling a while so i went on to do other tasks. Now when i return the ship explodes immediately as i load into the area. This is not the only time it has happened. I stoped playing because of it a long while ago, there is no point making more spaceships if i dont know why they explode at random. Now you have a new expansion and i would be interested in playing it if i could stop this from happening in the future. What is going on?
  3. My rockets have landed safely on Minimus and I am trying to mine to refuel them. They work fine and were mining and slowly refuling so I went on with the game but now whenever I go back to them they suddenly bounce upwards. It looks almost like the mining shaft is pushing out of the ground and throwing the ship upwards. I have made two diferent spacehips and they both do it. What am I doing wrong and how do I fix it?
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