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Everything posted by TLTay

  1. Where are you at on this list, OP? 1. Fool me once, shame on you. 2. Fool me twice, shame on me. 3. Fool me thrice, "oh baby please fool me again." 4. Fool.
  2. I see they've been working on a branch called "candidate." Pushing what they've got to 1.0?
  3. People don't want to hear it, but the early access disclaimer is quite clear. You willingly and knowingly purchased a licence to an incomplete software. You were distinctly warned by the disclaimer that the software may never be completed. Did you fail to receive access to the software you paid to access, in the state you paid to access it, on the date you paid to access it? No. Caveat emptor.
  4. Sadly, I think this kind of missed the mark on the premise of being a model building game. That's a very limiting foundation, but I guess they need to be worried about IP infringement and noncompetition issues since they basically ran Kerbal from day one. Really sad HarvesteR probably can't do a "legally distinct space program" kind of game.
  5. Someone needs to do a KSP style physics game with exploration and voxel based resource extraction. If the physics are done well it could easily have combat-related functionality. A minecraft/KSP/from the depths/no man's sky hybrid would be a real hit.
  6. Everybody's looking for light at the end of the tunnel right now. I really wish this game had worked out better.
  7. Oh, dear. Please don't say the N word. I cannot ever see them supporting mods or PC port at all. It would languish on an underpowered console unfit for large scale physics computation and die with that company, since they'd never let it go once it's associated with them.
  8. I interpreted "rationalizing the pipeline" as terminating projects and studios that have little chance of success. Corporate speak for "we got real about it" and fired some folks. I would not expect another Kerbal title from T2. A push to a subpar 1.0 would damage goodwill at the benefit of revenue, so I'd expect them to either idle the IP, sell it, or use it for mobile games where the existing fanbase's feelings are irrelevant.
  9. If they were transferring the development to another studio instead of cancelling or sending what they have to 1.0, they would have most likely said they were "realigning operations" so investors and analysts would be less likely to discount the future revenue stream from the games cancellation. The fact that they claim "hard at work" indicates to me a push to a half baked 1.0 product. Fans have already shown a willingness to accept an incomplete, buggy product devoid of features, while paying AA prices. There is no reason whatsoever not to take advantage of that again with a "full" release.
  10. "Still working on it" for this particular moment may be correct. If today, someone changed a font setting somewhere, they were legally truthful. Too many trusting people here. What have they done to earn the trust you give them?
  11. Friend, when I say that money already spent on development is not factored into the analysis, understand that it's from my formal education in finance, not from conventional wisdom. They all but shelved the game to work on the other title when it went to EA. No, you won't hear that from them, you'll have to impute it from the data. KSP2 has been sedated in a bed with a tube shoved down it's throat for over a year already. Don't double down on failure. They made that mistake once, I can't see them being silly enough to do it again unless it's just for show to pad quarterly reports.
  12. Wow, still lots of coping going on. In the event they claim they're continuing development, it'll just be a con to keep KSP2 showing up as a future offering in quarterly earnings calls. They're pretty sparse on future big ticket games, so that would probably boost perceived value to shareholders until other options are worked out. It makes no sense to keep funding it, same as it did when they kicked it to early access. If you actually think 50 people were working on KSP2 for the last 12+ months with that little progress, I've got some ocean front property in the Ozarks to sell you. They were working on the other unannounced title they posted jobs for, no doubt. Both probably got the axe. They just limped KSP2 along to rake in cash and make it look good for shareholder value. They will probably slap together what they've got under a "1.0" banner and wash their hands of it, save a dire shortage of upcoming titles... and that may be the case. Either way, people still hopeful for a positive outcome are fooling themselves.
  13. You'd be shocked how many people aren't following what has happened in any way and would buy it.
  14. Steam EA titles are clearly labeled with a disclaimer. I doubt they're actually obligated to follow through with development or they wouldn't have canned everyone. They wouldn't post a layoff notice for a merger... I guess the "we're working on it" post is designed to arrest the steam review flood in the meantime.
  15. Best case scenario for gamers is they give it a skeleton crew and it never gets done. Most sensible financial position is to push what they have to full release and rake in the sales money. Maybe they gave him a marketing role. He's a fantastic hype generator and salesman. He's a real artist when it comes to people's confidence.
  16. No, I don't mean giving it to another studio, I just mean putting out the current build as "complete" and marketing it as a finished product. As a finance person, I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did. My going theory is tgey had the bulk of the team working on that unannounced title they were working on while throwing scraps of hours at KSP2 to keep it alive. Mgt probably saw the other title as a flop and cut it all. I don't expect KSP2 to be transitioned to anywhere but the waste bin or the steam front page for a full release. I'm betting on the latter. No reason to skip sales for fear of devaluing goodwill on a now-tattered IP.
  17. Do you think they'll crap it out to "1.0" and plaster it on the front of the steam store?
  18. Oh goodness, they're really going to plop it out into full release, aren't they? I hoped I was joking when I said that.
  19. Money spent on past development is a moot point. It's not factored into financial decisions. They'll be solely focused on cutting expenses and maximising revenue. Best way to do that now is to slap a "1.0" label on it as-is and release it from EA to sell as many copies as it can.
  20. You'll be shocked at how many people will see that it's out of EA and rush to buy it thinking it's actually done. This will likely be more revenue generating than leaving it in EA. EA was what kept a lot of buyers away, and they will dismiss the negative reviews as being from the unfinished version. It's not like there's no precedent for releasing an unfinished product... ahem.
  21. 2 studios have failed to develop this thing. It's 4 years late now, and with years worth of work ahead, and that's no guarantee of a decent product at the end of the road. No suit worth their weight would do anything other than either strung this puppy along indefinitely in EA, or kick it to 1.0 asap and call it a day. They can still rake in more money by releasing the game from EA. Many people will go past the 2 hour refund point before realising what happened. They'll get more sales from pushing to 1.0 and having it be visible on the store as "freshly out of early access."
  22. It's best to psychologically prepare yourself for the official news, since nothing else will provide the closure you need.
  23. Is this the the transition from the "denial" phase to the "bargaining" phase of grief manifesting in a post? There's literally a post that has stuff from KSP2 developer's linkedin profiles showing them now looking for work! Did you not see that, or could your mind not accept what you were seeing? I was really looking forward to this game in 2019, and 2020, and 2021, and right up until it became clear it was a dumpster fire being pushed out for money. Damn shame. Kerbal 2, I never knew ye. (Because I never bought ye.)
  24. Forum mods and layoff-noticed community manager after seeing this post today: "I'll allow it."
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