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Everything posted by TLTay

  1. Oh, neat. Someone is going to tell us things instead of giving substantive game updates that add content and fix bugs. Great. That's wonderful, thanks. How generous of the team.
  2. The progress on KSP2. It has been nearly a year (be pedantic about months if you please). 50+ people could not have possibly achieved so little in that space of time if it had been 50 random college freshmen staying up all night on drunken benders and partying all day, only to program during spare time when washing their laundry. Motivated hack-a-thoners have achieved more in the space of day than these clownshoes have done in 6+months. Be real.
  3. Sorry for your trouble, OP. I'm afraid it looks like they've moved the devs to another title while giving this one the bare minimum effort to avoid a lawsuit.
  4. It has been what, six months and still tons of untouched major bugs and no new meaningful features? All of your options are far too optimistic. Game will be completed some time between the apocalypse and never.
  5. Best thing about the patch is that it'll at least a month before the next one, and that one probably won't have any meaningful content in it either. Can't wait for the Christmas next summer update with ported-over KSP1 science (with a new feature called bugs!) .
  6. Sorry. They seem to have put maybe a weeks worth of work into it since you left. Come back in 2027?
  7. 2019 me seeing announce video: tear of pride and joys rolls down my cheek. 2020 me seeing delay: me gusta, I can take it. Do what you gotta do. 2021 me with more delays: ok. Not ideal, but ok. 2022 me with more delays: hmm. The heck is going on over there? Early 2023 me with EA "release": lol. The dystopian decay has spread to my favorite refuge. Not good Mid 2023 me seeing heat effect salesmanship: lmao. Nate's used car lot in full effect. "Drives out fine" for 2 hours until you're past warranty (steam refund period) then it's your problem, pal. (Slaps hood) This baby can fit so much heat effects!
  8. Neat. I saw some vids from them in like 2019 that had a whole bunch of stuff we still don't have in 2023.
  9. Video: "Suffer with me." Me: "No." I'll buy it and play it when it's playable. At this rate, that'll be 2033. More likely it's being kept in the appearance of development for effect on shareholders and will be cancelled when t2 has more big-ticket releases upcoming to feather its cap with. Either the lack of tangible progress on critical bugs bodes poorly for hopes of timely completion, or they've shadow abandoned it already.
  10. Which will we get first: science update or the next year-numbered covid strain?
  11. I thought one of the selling points was the fantastic tutorials? Did they not even finish those yet? Lithobraking in 2020.... pffft.
  12. The fact that so many people who bought at 50 feel ripped off when price drops by less than the cost of a McDanald's "value" meal means they already felt ripped off deep down but justified it because "investment." Now, they're already underwater on the "investment" and have gotten little to no "value" out of it. When people buy a fantastic game st full price you don't see them storm into forums and get cranky at the first steam sale...
  13. I was just looking at the reviews seconds before reading this post, and you're 100 percent correct. Bunches of "I totally recommend this game, but don't buy it yet." It's either some kind of tribal allegiance-signalling display, or people trying to convince themselves they made a good purchase.
  14. I've been watching this metric since launch, and it has been like there's a hard floor at 50 percent. Why not 49 or 47 or 52? Right at 50... not sus at all... Has it been 3 months yet? That's a quarter.
  15. It has been almost exactly tracking just above 50% ... odd. Almost like there's a concerted effort to keep it there, and i'm not seeing it from tbe community. That you, T2?
  16. This tells me it wasn't selling at all, and the financial outlook is not good. Better pull out all the stops and get those bugs fixed or the suits will be putting an empty box on a bunch of desks soon. -it's unpopular to speak the truth in the current year, but someone should.
  17. We talked about this for about 3 years while waiting through delays for the game to release "when it was finshed." Best case scenario is probably KSP1 science with a minor twist of some kind. Maybe experiments over time, or automated gathering. They're going to want to show timeline progress, and quickly... so any fancy notions of revolutionary science system should be hung up. Look at how the current product stacks up against KSP1 with mods (or no mods) to get an idea of what to expect.
  18. Why even release a patch at all if it doesn't solve any major problems? Might as well delay it again if none of the big ones can be solved.
  19. One side: "I'm not happy with this." Other side: "You can't think or say that!" Your post is basically telling people what to think or the thoughts they'd ought to be able to express (or not express). Very 2023 of you.
  20. Thanks for the update. I hope it can be sorted out and performing well soon.
  21. I prefer this communication style for early access. This might be the first post in a while that didn't make me feel crabby. I'm one of those people who is not inappropriately supportive and positive when the situation doesn't warrant it. I approve of the new tone and delivery (not that my approval matters). Transparency is like this is preferred by most people. As far as feeling rewarded by it, I don't really care. If my crusty posts helped in tiny part to lead to an increase in transparency, so be it. Better for all. I'm not thrilled with the state of the game, but at least my fangs aren't dripping with venom after reading this.
  22. Some people have to learn the hard way. If I wanted to pay for a false hope I'd buy a lottery ticket, it's much cheaper. Until then, I'll wait for the product to be adequate. If I wanted an investment, I'd fiddle with a trading account. I'm here for a fun game, and it has yet to be delivered. Good luck, OP.
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