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  1. Due to frustration at the lack of stock-a-like electric propellers (and being inspired by actual stock ones) I decided to throw together one using infernal robotics and tweakscale to make a 2.5m one. I had to use rotatrons (mk 2 in this case) since the surfaces didn't generate lift when using docking port washers. Optimal(ish) speed setting was 53 and acceleration was up to 106 (I tried x3, but the rotatron snapped off upon braking). Currently produces 86 kilo-newtons if the total lift number in debug can be trusted. Next step is further optimization and testing various applications (e.i. an engine block).
  2. Hi I was testing a propeller plane on Eve utilizing the whirllgig turboprop engine, it worked fine, which made me realize an oversight. Since the turboprop uses liquid-fuel, it utilizing combustion, since it uses combustion, it needs oxidizer. The propeller gets the oxidizer from the air but it's somehow working on Eve despite the un-oxygenated atmosphere. It was a bug caused by another mod, apologies.
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