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The Minmus Derp

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  • About me
    Minmus, with a few cities
  • Location
    In a very high orbit around kerbin
  • Interests
    Being in my quiet orbit around kerbin, drawing, reading, plernerts, having phun, etc.

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  1. This is something I'm not sure about – @JoshTheKerbal, who created several objects for OPX-InnerWorlds, wrote parallax configs for three of those objects and they seem to work perfectly. InnerWorlds at least doesn't, but if the main four do than that would probably be helpful. I'm not sure why they conflict though, and that's a problem I'd like to figure out at some point when I'm not drowning in school work. Thanks for the tip, though.
  2. Well this is most unexpected! I was never expecting to actually earn a nomination, let alone for a mod that's only existed since July. Thanks so much! EDIT: Perhaps you mean September? My thread didn't exist in June.
  3. The thing with manual install problems is that those are things I can generally fix. Not to put too fine a point on it, but I have enough problems that I inadvertently create without having to deal with the litany of problems produced by other people as well. I have a life, and making KSP mods is not the top priority in that life, so putting time aside to talk the CKAN people through making my mod work would take time away from actually making the mod.
  4. I'm afraid I can't really help you without logs. My MitchellNetravali question still stands however.
  5. That's new... What do the Kopernicus logs say? I'd hope that you have OPM considering S+ and U+ don't work without it lol. Chiron is a comet with surface outgassing. Charilko is not. They have wildly different orbits. The rings of Chiron are a lot closer to the object's surface as well. Try installing it manually. Do you have Niako's MitchellNetravaliHeightMap? Actually, given that only one of the four actually uses duckweedutils (SarnusPlus, and even then only if you're using the pseudobodies), do you know which of the four can be removed to stop the infinite loop? If we know that then the problem gets narrowed down substantially. Good, you probably shouldn't do that if the mod in question isn't present. I doubt it would end well.
  6. man could you do me a solid and put that in a spoiler? That list is half the thread page now.
  7. Afaik, Salenne orbits further out than Eeloo's apoapsis. I'm sure it's fine.
  8. Given that I JUST tested it and it worked perfectly, this is definitely a you problem. I can't do anything without logs.
  9. In other news, the NeidonPlus scatterer issue that you and @dave1904 reported has been solved. The issue was a problem in the eclipse caster files, and given the angle of the orbits and the size of hte moons very few things are going to eclipse Neidon anyway so we felt it was safe to cut the file entirely and make a new one with the next release. Your Dres problem has also been fixed, with a much higher deformity on the planet being implemented to make it less boringly flat. I also noticed a PQS problem with Kortens before anyone else did and fixed that, as well as downsizing its textures for filesize reasons. So, go grab NeidonPlus and InnerWorlds again!
  10. See I thought that was just my computer being stupid. We'll try and revert scatterer back to what it was in the prior version and drop a hotfix. Yeah it still has the parallax folder, we didn't remove it. We just made it WORK. For the spacedock InnerWorlds, I just replaced the download, you can try again Turns out the deformity was just way too low from when it was like 40 km or whatever stupid number I set it as originally. Another hotfix!
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