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Ho Lam Kerman

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Posts posted by Ho Lam Kerman

  1. On 5/1/2018 at 8:16 PM, Delay said:

    Mine fail far before that - during reentry. "Sudden loss of control" is on a lot of my post-flight reports.

    Anyways: Welcome!

    None of my "space"planes have ever left the atmosphere.

    I want to test them in the atmosphere, close to home, before I take them farther out.

  2. Hello guys!

    I’m new here, but not to ksp. I’ve sent manned missions to both moons of Kerbin. I also have probes on, and around, everything in the inner system.

    I play with OPM, which is cool. My Urlum, Neidon and Plock probes are on their way.

    I’m bad at landing spaceplanes. Still learning.

  3. On 1/21/2016 at 5:37 AM, lukethecoder64 said:

    Stephen Hawking? Pfft. I once read Principa by Issac Newton For Fun.

    Also, when you listen to "White 'n nerdy" by Weird Al and think it is a biography of you. True story.

    Where did you find a copy of the legendary Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica?!

  4. There's your strut pasta with a gilly sauce and procedural sides, served on a heatshield and cooked with a Poodle (kudos to anyone who gets the reference)

    Now most people wouldn't eat radioactive stuff, but I'm taking the Nerv LV-N with a touch of Monoprop sauce.

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