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Everything posted by JERONIMO

  1. Wow there young man, now an opinion considered as an offence? i mean, yeah, you have a point. but you literally asked what tier you have in which game. if it's disturbed you, i'm not sorry (or i'm idk how you will accept it). at the end, i answered your question, no offence. love (maybe not so much) some random 13 years old junior high student who struggles installing outdated mods in KSP.
  2. so camera - tools (my fav mod) isn't working, maybe i need to install an add-on like bahamudo dynamics or something like this? what i mean, the icon itself of the mod doesn't appear. thus i cannot use the mod. thanks now, before you ask (maybe) no, i don't need this to record a short-movie, i just like the view
  3. but i'm sitting writing that post, huh... wonder are there bot-mods? will the forum become mod-bots of level of roblox(i guess you can it's the lounge), huh?? HUH? nevermind gotta study some rocks fellas and yes, this is not bout ksp, but about random thoughts, so moving the threat or deleting it makes no sense.
  4. NO offence, but these games boring, and WOW 4 tier artillery
  5. sup 3p1c dude (yes, there is no one maybe more weirder than me on the forum)
  6. well, i was trying to build attach-to-the-planet-stationary-submarine-thingy (attpsst) so i guess i'll need KAS
  7. is it possible to attach the claw to the ground, if yes, how i'm failling? and yes, i'm weird
  8. possible that it's loading? try to open the program thru open as administrator
  9. i mean my posts are randomer than the universe
  10. mine is frogs with noodles )))
  11. What's the most weird ways you messed with "inspect" in browsers, so the site looked like a total chaos or a very funny way.
  12. well, unexpected, thought it'll get one or to replies. not more than that. Thanks???, yet my question is at least partially anwsered if haven't been fully
  13. i mean, space vacuum has nothing in it, but there are some hydrogen, photons and other thing in space. so does vacuum really exist as we think of it?
  14. Literally, the title says everything, go read it [snip]. If you (family friendly definition: stop moving and going to sleep for ever) what ya'll will do after (not moving and going to sleep forever)?
  15. How ____, yet not _____ enough you were to a _____ to... just say the most epic fails (or not so) in this thread. ex: I was so close, yet not close enough to encounter Jool, to get to orbit of Jool.
  16. wait, is this it? ok mods pls don't block this it's actually has a sense, it's about how nonsense this thread.
  17. sorry took to long to fix, was lazy and getting to a different country, have a good night/day! (it's 12:00 pm were i live) thanks, good night/day
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