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Everything posted by JERONIMO

  1. You are welcomed, fixed, redone, any notes will be taken and might be fixend (if not destroying the meaning of the thread)
  2. Landing a first stage booster is hard, but this guide will help you with it. The picture below shows what can happen when there is an unsuccessful landing attempt. Picture above show that during landing, the rocket can run out of fuel. This picture shows when the landing attempt failed. So the rocket crashes. before we start. you need to know how to: Get to sub orbital trajectory. Get to orbital trajectory. Know how to use fast vessel switch ( using " [ " and "]" ) and map switch. ready? let's start! here i'll leave a rocket.so you can download it . https://kerbalx.com/Jeronimo/Dragco (p.s. i'm too lazy to add pics.) So now that we have an a craft. let's Begin! Ok. when it's on the launch pad. check the staging. after all stages checked (showed in the pictures below), you should launch the rocket. When you reach the speeds of around 100 m/s. start turning from ~90° (degrees) to around 80-70° Keep the throttle at maximum throttle. Note, you need to be sure that you'r sub-orbital Apoapsis doesn't go beyond 110,000 Meters. after you reach ~100,000 M above Kerbin . Put the throttle at 0 power. Switch to rocket mode view Decouple the first and the second stage. After you decoupled, press "[" or "]" to switch to the second stage. Put the throttle to the first line on the throttle-meter. Then when it reaches a safe enough distance ( 20 m above the first stage) put the throttle on full. Fly up until you reach ~230,000 m above Kerbin or more (the reason behind this is that you will need as much time for the first stage). Use fast switch (reminder "[" and "]") or map switch (click on the first stage, then click switch to) and switch to the first stage/orbital booster. After you switched, make a retrograde maneuver node, and make it on the line with the island airport (or a little further, in case of what, you can add Delta-V (short Dv) ). Use RCS. Start the maneuver burn at half the time shown. Ex. if it's showing 18s. burn at T - 9s. After the maneuver is finished, turn the orbital booster prograde. When finished turning. open the A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S by pressing the brake button (or "B"). When the rocket is at 70,000m above Kerbin, adjust the landing position so the end of the trajectory will be a little in front of the space center (where the Airport island is located or the water near the space center) We do several landing burns to slow down the rocket, after what we will wait until it's time to do the "suicide burn" which slows down the rocket to landing point. This part isn't going to have a lot of pictures, eyeballing will help ( in case eyeballing isn't gonna help, use landing lights, so you can see how close you are to landing, preferred to use MK1 landing lights). Next, try to eyeball the landing, here i can't give any advice except try to keep the throttle down no more than half of the throttle, so right before landing, you could put as much throttle needed to bring the rocket to full stop. Also, important, do not turn of RCS at any point in the flight after turning it on. When you land, do not turn off the RCS, until you sure that the rocket is stands stable. Result you might get. Now, when we finished landing the first stage, we go to the map, and using the map switch, we switch to the second stage. Next, we turn on the throttle on and get the second stage to orbit. Congratulations! You landed the first stage back to Kerbin, and got the Second stage into a Kerbin orbit without quicksaving. Special thanks to one and only moderator : @Vanamonde
  3. nvm it's crashed on 1.4.2 . gg
  4. I wasn't playing KSP for at least... 4 months. yeah. oh no what have i done
  5. 122 Krakentillion 145 kerbtillion 99 Jooltillion 398 HIVTILLION , and 98 cents.
  6. B- it is kinda nice but i think some parts are ussles. some parts are overpowered... realy
  7. doesn't make sence to teraform it... let's just close our eyes on mars and give a minute of silence to venus. rip venus. no body lovd planet


    becuze 1+1*2/2*4/2+1 or √4 = 2 or 2*2 or 1+1+1+1=4 or 8-1-1-1-1=4 or 8/2 or 2+2=4
  9. hello, i'm verry glad of it! sadly, it isn't doing like i said, BUT! soon or later, there is WILL BE a new badge that will have the needed conditions! if my grammar is bad, forgive me, i'm israeli, not american or english. any way. wait soonly! just a day or two! i't is gonna be a grand update! by the way, it is gonna look like a rhomb! and YOU will be the first one so, reusablility is great! that show how creative you can be! does it recoverable? if yes.. well no debris woud count i'll watch till the end and give you the final anwser! so maybe you WILL get a badge! lucky you from all sanitary of the world, Jeronimo! by the way, in wich minute it is? sorry i'm just lazy and also, did you used SSTO'S? if yes well, that woudn't count. but i'll add an SSTO mission soon (it will be a bonus mission) you got a senior of orbital challenge congrats
  10. my personal. the normal one.
  11. Hello here. thank you verry much. before i accept the judgement. i need you to see if you can complete at least Duna dust collector sanito junior. i will accept you maybe. thank you verry much again. be reaady and bye
  12. Thank you, but where is the signature? I’m not really new player but still thanks. Nvm found it xd
  13. I’m don’t know we’re to write it but I made badges, but how do I give em to people? Thx. Should I even make them not like imadges
  14. No Space Junk/Debris Challenge Prepare for grand update! leaked duna one! guess which update it will, and what it will inlude! This challenge is multi-challenge, every level is harder. "every step is clean, it's nice to you and me" . Me. Hello fella space flighters! I see you are not thowing the Kerbodyne S3-7200 to the trashcan. Well. i guess you are just an newbie (don't get ofended k?). you are building an SSTO ? well thats impressive but seriously. Are you weak? na na na na. GET CREATIVE YOU FLIGHTERS! so here have it. le challenge. But before. RULES! No cheats or anything like this. (debug menu, hyperedit, etc.) Only KER And any camera mod + visual mod is ok. NO DIRTY SSTO! cmon i hate em'. No kraken drives. Lader drives. SA kirrim drives. intake drives and Something other drives. Docking is acceptable but only apollo styled (thats will be hard cuz of the challenge not to leave debris) and rover docking. Sub and leave a like on my page ))))))00)0) Respect Moho and eeloo plz. drone cores parts, or any other command modules that is on deatachale stage (5 or 4th stage for example) will count as debris. On apollo styled missions, decoplers that left alone in space doesn't count as a debris (if the decople is by himself) bring jebediah or bill or valentina (no body needs bob lol) if the debris deatached and it is turn to steak in atmosphere, it isn't count as a debrie (if no pieces left of it). every challenge is a challenge, you can't complete sub orbital and orbital challenges at the same mission no Making History expansion usage! no tracking station debrie cleaning Screenshot of every thing that happen required challenge number one. Sub Orbital sanitor! The goal. : Don't leave any debris While doing the mission in Sub orbital tragectory and back. Rules For sanitors juniors. Heatshields doesn't count as debris if deatached. that mean if you have a heatshield. it woudn't coudn as a debris. Rules For sanitors seniors. Every part that got deatached count as a debris (even that sandwich that you made for breakfast) that mean that every part ( like an a heatshield) woud count as a debris. AWARDS for sanitor juniors of sub orbital challenge. challenge number 2 AWARD For sanitors juniors and senior of the Sattelite challenge. Build a space station with at least 2 crafts while both crafts haven't leaved any debris if it isn't a heatshield. that mean you need to send both space craft screenshots so i (or we) woud see that you haven't cheated. Rules For sanitors senior Build a space station with at least 5 crafts while all of the space craft haven't leaved any debris. that mean you need to send both space craft screenshots so i (or we) woud see that you haven't cheated. AWARDS The Mun dust sanitor! The goal. : go to moon and ___ while don't leave any debrie. For sanitors seniors of the Mun challenge CONGRATULATIONS! For sanitors senior of the Duna challenge. For sanitors seniors of the Eve challenge. AWARDS For sanitors Senior of the Eeloo And Moho challenge.
  15. If you ask how much they worth to USD so i did researches,After Building an EXACT copy of falcon 9,Space Shuttle (maybe not so exact), and saturn V (rip 5 hours of work) i found out that 1 credit worth around 260 USD,30funds*260=7800 USD,So that amout of ore is just 7800 (just? idk i live in sheklem country)
  16. Did some juicy Kerbal Science ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) To Rovers Got Connected and then Kraken Joined))) R.I.P Jebediah Kerman, Valentina Kerman. Mission:DTM 2:340:4:29.23222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222223
  17. Well, i gues is just a bug that gonna get fixed soon, Try reinstall the game.
  18. Heya there, so recently i thought to reuse my rocket (cuz who doesn't wanna to try it) so. i think of any ideas HOW to do a targeted landing (how to land near KSC) or in other words targeted landing in atmosphere?
  19. I DO EXPLOTIONS , SPACE STATIONS AND kerbal creater of course
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