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  1. Hi Craig...Thanks for the reply. I'm on windows 10 and I also get the incompatible warning. What confused me (and I'm easily confused) was the error message. What it was really trying to tell me was that 50001 was already in use. Once I changed that it worked perfectly. What I'm trying to do is get the New Kepard space craft to work, but still not having any luck with that part.
  2. I love this...but I'm new at KSP and just learning. I have kRPC installed and running, but am unable to get your controller to connect. Can you give a brief description of the installation and any other items I might need to make this work. Thanks...
  3. I'm attempting to use Krpc with Kerbal 1.4.3, but receive the following message when starting KSP " Incompatible mods detected....Incompatible with 1.4.3....KRPC". Being a stubborn fool, I continue to march, but receive the following message when attempting to start the Krpc server... " Socket error ACCESS DENIED An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by it's access permissions". Just so you know, my level of knowledge about this stuff is somewhere below sea level, but any help would be appreciated. Thanks...
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