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JoE Smash

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Posts posted by JoE Smash

  1. 11 minutes ago, Ger_space said:

    Don't use mods that to mess with texture compression.

    This turns small icons black.

    There is nothing I can do.

    Ok what mods mess with texture compression? Textures Unlimited? Kopernicus? Astronomer's? 

    Because I've always used Textures Unlimited(dependancy) with James Webb telescope and never had this happen.....of course I had -force-d3d11 on....

  2. So currently all the bases added with Kerbin Side by default now look like black squares in the tracking station....If I turn on "recoverable bases" I get the Icon for that. There are icons for the Tracking stations.

    I think the Opened or closed icons are blackened out. I'm seeing it on a sandbox game where everything is unlocked....

    I'm wondering if Astronomers Visual pack  or Stock Visual Terrain is now causing this.

    Normally I run the game with -force-opengl or force-d3d11, but turned those off due to various graphical issues....so I am now seeing this with just regular DX9.....which of course Textures unlimited doesn't like....

    I'm about done bothering with visual mods.....I wan't clouds in my game, but I'll be dammed if it doesn't wreck everything else....

    You would think the Devs could just add some frigging clouds to the frigging game by now....

  3. @taniwha, would it be possible for you to develop a simple construction config swap for this mod so it is not necessary to maintain a separate mod to make this mod more simple?

    I would like the ability to build rockets on other planets or in orbit with your mod, but simple construction keeps getting orphaned over and over. Could you just integrate it for users who want this ability without a complicated workshop work flow?

    Like just change your folder hierarchy (add a folder) and add the simple construction configs to the mod and say, "move these configs to X folder to enable simple construction mode."

    Thanks for your time!

  4. 56 minutes ago, Space Kadet said:

    WBT is just a directory of files that are shared between all of his mods, Buffalo dosent work if you pull out that dir-

    this should explain the popup choices


    Kinda....but not really, because I'm not using pathfinder because it was too complicated. I still don't know why I had to chose between pristine and three other things if I'm not using pathfinder and I'm just using Buffalo for a rover mod.

    I don't want stuff to break and I don't want workshops with flow charts. That's why I don't use the MKS thing by USI or Extraplanetary Launchpads. I might use Simple Construction.....because it's simple.

    I still don't understand what the differences between pristine and the three other things are....

    Guess I'll just go back to Malmute and Feline utility rovers....

  5. 6 hours ago, Johould said:

    Is meeting the "Stock Scan Threshold" supposed to set the PLANET_SCAN_DATA? I have several bodies I'm pretty sure are 100% scanned (definitely enough to get science from the SCANSat analysis), but they didn't have that setting in the save file and didn't get resource information in the tracking station. Is the scan percentage shown in any SCANSat window? Should I see a message when the stock scan threshold is passed?

    I'm actually just interested in the overall "planetary abundance" numbers shown by the pie chart, if there's another way to view them (turns out the "sifting" mechanic in MKS is driven by those numbers rather local resource abundance at a base).

    You don't need to worry about the stock scan threshold unless you disable the stock scanning function of the stock M700 resource scanner in the scansat settings menu.

    There is a Wiki for ScanSAT if you Google for it. From said guide/wiki:

    When disabled none of these restrictions are in place.

    :top: Disable Stock Scanning

    This is the most far reaching option. When toggled on several stock functions are affected.

    • The scanning functions of the M700 Survey Scanner and the M4435 Narrow-Band Scanner are disabled * This prevents using the stock orbital scan (and subsequently the stock planetary overlays, as long as you haven't already scanned the planet) * The narrow-band scanner's high-resolution map is no longer available * The resource abundance displays in the right-click context menu of the narrow-band scanner and surface scanning module are replaced by SCANsat modules; these require that an area be scanned from orbit before showing any values
    • The ground truthing function of the surface scanning module is unaffected
    :top: Stock Scan Threshold

    When stock resource scanning is disabled this option to control the stock resource scan will appear.

    • The percentage shown is a threshold value for the SCANsat M700 resource scan
    • This function can be disabled to prevent all stock resource scans
    • When this level is reached the stock resource scan will be performed automatically
    • The text box can be used to enter a new value for the threshold
    • A check will be performed whenever there is a scene change or a reload * Force a check by putting in a new value and pushing the Set button * A reload may be required for the scan to take effect

    I forget the exact science thresholds, but you can collect science after scanning like a third of the planet, then two thirds or so, then all of it if you scan over like 90% or something. Might be 95% I forget. You might be able to set that too. I'm going from memory.

    I normally just wait until it's scanned over 90% so I only have to go to each satellite once to collect the science....

  6. Hey @Angel-125,

    I currently have the Buffalo mod installed correctly and working, and I like all the functionality of this mod and your other mods.

    I do have some confusion about WildBlue Tools....

    I looked for a guide, or a wiki or something to explain what WildBlue Tools does and how it works....but I couldn't find anything. Is there a guide somewhere?

    Can the parts in the Buffalo mod work without it? Like if I remove it will the parts still function as normal rover parts, or are they totally dependant on stuff in the Tools mod to function?

    I don't understand or plan on doing prospecting or refining or anything....so I don't need the base Buffalo parts to do any of that stuff.

    I didn't even understand the initial pop up window for WildBlue Tools after I installed it. I picked "pristine" because that sounded like it didn't mess with any stock stuff....I really didn't understand the choices though or what it was asking me.....

  7. 9 hours ago, jestermaximus said:

    Thanks @JoE Smash. I've now got original OPT and reconfig installed, and everything seems to be working.

    Np, I asked all the same stuff like a month ago when I started playing. There's the OPT legacy parts one too. Basically for OPT there's three separate downloads. Two have parts and the reconfig one patches and tweaks stuff to make things work better.

    JadeOfMaar probably has to answer the same questions every time someone new starts playing and they want cool space planes.

    Especially since the original  OPT space plane mod says it's for KSP 1.3.0....common sense would indicate such an old mod wouldn't work and you shouldn't download it. 

    That's what I figured....

    Also, I don't know the answer to the drag questions. The parts inside the cargo bay "should" be shielded. I don't know if or how any of that works.

    Sometimes when I put parts in procedural farings it looks like the parts are experiencing drag animations while inside the faring....

    So I don't know what works in the game properly....

  8. I'm using this mod for the first time ever....

    When looking at the KSC there are like all these weird light circles on the screen...

    Like if the sun was making like glare circles on the screen...and the screen in like a window and I am looking through it and looking at the KSC.

    Is this mod causing this strange effect?

    Nevermind, I can tell from everyone's screen shots the light circles are from this....

  9. On 8/12/2018 at 5:35 PM, jestermaximus said:

    So just to verify, I need to install OPT Legacy, OPT Reconfig, B9 (as a dependency), and the original OPT dependencies (ASET Props and Avionics). Do I need to have the original OPT mod installed as well? Maybe I should try CKAN rather than manual installation.

    Yeah a bunch of parts are still part of the old OPT space plane parts. The one that was last updated for KSP 1.3.0. It seems to still function since it is just a part mod and not a complex mod that changes things like B9 mesh switcher.

    So if you don't have the old OPT space plane mod, the missing parts are probably in there.

  10. 2 hours ago, Xd the great said:

    Dependencies, incompatible versions.

    More specifically just from glancing, Kopernicus specifically has its own dependancies and I don't see them in your list in the OP. I don't think....

    I'd google the forum post for each mod and make sure you have all the dependancies for each mod, and make sure the version you downloaded is the right version for the game version you are running.

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