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JoE Smash

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Everything posted by JoE Smash

  1. Gotcha, thanks.... I watched the video review, so I knew you could actually use the vehicles to do stuff, but it looked like a hassle to control the servos and everything. It would be cool if the mod had like a gamepad configuration that worked with an xbox controller....or the flybywire controller mod..... It's pretty awesome that they increase kerbal max lift weight by just being close by....
  2. I did not know that.... Do they have to be "IN" the crane/etc. like operating it? Or does the kerbal just have to stand there and the crane/etc just has to be parked nearby as well? In either scenario, that's friggin cool. I just want to know which way causes that functionality....
  3. That video is pretty crazy. So it looks like the ore is going into two empty tanks simultaneously, but one of the already full ones blows up. Is that what occured? Does it happen if you only fill one of the empty tanks at a time, and is there a way to close off the full tanks so the fuel isn't trying to go into all the full tanks too? I've never used the stock tank filling tool. I have no idea how it works. It's pretty crazy that a vibration seems to develop from filling a tank with fuel though... It looks like there must be some sort of strut or clipping problem though for such a crazy vibration to happen like that. This game does sooooo much weird crap all the time. It's astounding really....
  4. Yeah and Astronomer's visual pack requires EVE for clouds AND Kopernicus. That's what I mean by visual mods. Pretty sure SVE does too, or the SciFi one, or GEA.....or any of them.... And I have a gaming rig and it's powerful
  5. Yes, we understand it is the "game launcher" for the game. That is what they mean by the launcher and not to use it. They are telling you not to use that to start the game because it doesn't start the game properly. They are telling you to go into the Kerbal Space Program game folder and use either KSP.exe for 32bit OSes or the KSP_x64.exe for 64bit OSes to start your game. See if that fixes your issue. Until you try that and see if that is the problem, why try anything else?
  6. Nah, I just mean clouds and stuff. I thought about some of the planet packs or real solar system, but that seems to cause too many problems for too many mods, so I don't bother changing things that much.... I just meant it works in general as long you are installing kopernicus because EVE or some other thing with clouds requires it.....
  7. I do. I don't think I have any current logs. I was trying to get help with old issues before I start my game up again. I deleted everything for the third time in a month in an effort to fix everything. I just got everything reinstalled again, but I haven't actually launched the game yet. I've developed Kerbal Space Program launch anxiety. I think I might coin that as a new psychological disorder I seem to have acquired about a week ago. I'm afraid to start my game up again. I'm afraid I might have missed a mod that had parts one of my vessels needed. Or Moho will have a big brown dust cloud around it. Or EVE will look pink and washed out. Or my game will crash repeatedly. Or I'll have a memory leak....Or countless other possible issues I have encountered over the last month. If I get logs I guess I'll zip them and put a link up if I ever start up the game again. I was hoping the planets and galaxies not appearing on the list was an issue you had encountered previously and had a fix that you told someone other than me already. Guess not.
  8. This mod works in general though with Kopernicus right? If not it means you basically can't use this with any texture enhancement mod....at least not the ones I am aware of. They all seem to have it as a dependancy....
  9. Does CKAN have the "correct" version there when you download it via CKAN?
  10. Ok thanks! I'll just go back to helping people in the technical support thread....
  11. This is the damnedest thing I have ever heard of. is it doing it on a new save game or are you only using an old save? You also deleted the whole game at one point and reinstalled the whole game too right (not just the mods)? How are you launching the game? Launcher? Steam? CKAN? Shortcut? 32bit or 64bit? Linux? This defies logic.... How much ram do you have? Graphics card? What OS are you using? is it 64bit or 32bit? Are you using launch commands on a shortcut like -force-d3d11 or -force-opengl?
  12. Thank you very much for your reply m8! I guess I'll just keep on refreshing the ole refresh button till my life can continue....
  13. I listed three whole mods to make your game more tedious and miserable....
  14. And thank you for going above and beyond by reading my question in another thread to someone else and answering it for them because apparently I'm a mirage....
  15. Thank you very much for the quick reply m8! Now if I only could get the Kopernicus guy to answer my question about getting the latest Kopernicus on CKAN that I asked like an hour ago.....without angering him somehow
  16. I currently have Tundra Exploration AND Technologies installed together. Is that bad? Should I only have on or the other? Why are they in blue font in KSP-AVC?.....that is the bit that is causing my panic...they are the only "blue" things on my mods list on KSP-AVC.....
  17. So did you manually update to 1.4.5-4 then? Or is CKAN updating this one step at a time?
  18. Well it's not really insane....so much as unrealistic, I guess. However this is a game and I want to have fun playing it. Servicing broken space parts isn't in my personal "fun" category. As someone new to the game getting things into orbit in the first place is hard enough. Having to periodically dock with stuff to fix it over time isn't something I am interested in doing for every single thing I launch into space. This is why I ALSO do not use life support mods. I don't even have a base on the Mun yet, once I get one there it will be a huge achievement for me. I don't know that I could possibly land in the same place twice even with the Trajectories mod. I would probably need Mechjeb or TCA to land in the same place twice and I haven't even figured out how to make those two mods do that for me yet. So I certainly don't want to be REQUIRED to go back there to bring food and water and to fix broken stuff.... That's most likely why the Devs of the game didn't force these types of scenarios on the players, like making life support and fixing everything a mandatory part of the game. Fortunately for you there are mods available to make your personal experience playing as miserable and tedious as real life, if that is what you are really into. I'm not though. I just learned how to dock.
  19. Ok well you uninstalled a bunch of mods right? Did you go in your gamedata folder and visually verify the other mods are actually gone? The only folder (s) that should be present in the Gamedata folder with no mods is "squad" and "squad expansion" (if you have the making history expansion). If you still have Eve Mechjeb and planetary bases those should be there too obviously, but NOTHING else. If there is other stuff in there manually throw it away yourself. Except Modulemanager.dll (in case you have module manager installed), but delete the other module manager cfg files if they are in there. The modulemanager.dll will produce fresh ones. Let me know if you found any extra stuff in the game data folder like I just mentioned, and let us know if getting rid of it fixed the problem....
  20. Rofl, I had that problem a couple days ago and assumed I had a bad visual enhancement mod..... Okies, so will CKAN take a while to get updated as well, because it is still showing the prior version (I think).....or do they have to be updated incrementally? i.e. Update to 1.4.5-3 THEN CKAN will update the mod to 1.4.5-4?
  21. Oh you can disable the looking at the sun frying the computer thing? Ok cool....
  22. My bodies/galaxy list appears empty. I am not using research bodies mod.....so I don't believe it is because I haven't discovered them yet. I am able to focus view on planets and take pictures of them and get science. I just don't have anything on the target list. When it says you can take pictures of "distant galaxies," do you mean the skybox? Any suggestions? Sorry I don't have an output log for this....I just figured you could tell me if there was something I needed to enable in a file somewhere to make the targets show up in the target list properly...... Oh I am also using James Webb and have Tripple-Z telescope, in case that matters somehow. Do I have to add the stuff in that galaxies folder to Texture Replacer or something to get those to appear, or are they there, but I don't see them because they are far away? Do texture mods mess this up.....LIke EVE or Astronomer's Visual Enhancements? Do I need Kopernicus to get them to appear? (I just started using a visual mod, so I also just started using Kopernicus, would NOT having Kopernicus installed make them not appear?)
  23. I can't get the antennas to attach properly to save my life....lol So the included RCS thruster positions are missing an axis?
  24. Included on my first ever Kerbin station....mostly because the contract patch associated with the telescope also work. (I got a contract to put it up there). I like it. I like that the science gains are for each Biome. I like the unfolding animation. Good mod! Also meshes well with the big Origami relay dish from your recycled parts mod as well.....
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