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Status Replies posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. Just testing out gap-less images because my original L-50 brochure is waaaaaaay too long to fit in the forums without having the whole brochure shrunk.


    1. FahmiRBLX


      Well it's supposed to be on this challenge, but there's one thing missing: Flight Manual.

      And also I'm jealous with @espartanlast1's infographics on his. And mine still turned out to be... not as good as Airbus's new plane inforgraphics (under spoiler).







    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Do you like Alan Walker songs?

    1. FahmiRBLX


      Faded, Sing Me To Sleep, Alone, Tired & The Spectre is when Alan's song is still Gold. All Falls Down and onwards are the downhill part. On My Way & Alone Part 2 is, like I said, utter sh*t.

      So Alan's first vocalled songs are pure gems, yes.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Do you like Alan Walker songs?

    1. FahmiRBLX


      Well, used to be. Now even Alone Part 2 & On My Way is utter sh*t. Now I've moved onto Da Tweekaz and Headhunterz.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)



    The whole country of Spain is in lockdown(Sincerely I didn't expect that)

    I guess it's time to 100% some games

    1. FahmiRBLX


      ... while here in Malaysia we still get to restaurants especially during breakfast. Hmm...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. Dang, I was nowhere near my target!

    So the conclusion for yesterday is, that was one of the worst day for my 2019. I got 6A's out of 9. Far off my target for straight A's.

    BTW if you guys are wondering thenrest of my grade, here's the list:

    • A - 6
    • B - 2
    • C - 1

    Unfortunately I left my results at home (and I'm following my dad to his school; he's a headmaster there), so I couldn't get a full list of papers I've taken. But the point is I took 9 papers in total.

    But in the end, my family appreciated it.

  6. *comes back after a 2 week break*

    *sees 15 notifications*

    *stares at screen in disbelief* 

    1. FahmiRBLX


      Well I used to have approx. 8 Notifs per day, if more than a week, I'm pretty sure I've missed everything...

      EDIT : Now I seemed to have leds than 5 (And more than 0) Notifs per day. Hmm...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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