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Everything posted by NiL

  1. They are not starters, they just burn exess hydrogen that SSME's spew out during startup, to prevent Delta-4-style launchpad barbecue
  2. YES! Thank you very much, this is the mod!
  3. Thanks, but theese add a new "bomb part", the mod I'm looking for just added part destruction to the rightclick menu of every part
  4. I remember seeing a mod somewhere on the forums, which allowed you to explode parts in-flight through a right-click menu, but can't find it now. Does anyone, by chance, know the name of the mod?
  5. Thanks for the explanation! Also, I know Russian and this stuff is very interesting, could you throw in some links, please?
  6. So I asked my Russian friend who is close to the field, and he apparently thinks it had crew capabilities for maintanance reasons (as I thought myself), but wasn't supposed to be permanently crewed. He also sent me those photos of a Polyus mockup in the Khrunichev facility with this plack: https://imgur.com/gallery/zxbflW1
  7. Perhaps modular IVA's can solve the problem? Standard IVA's based on part function and size would maybe be too boring, but I can imagine a standart 1:1 length-width "tubular" IVA preset with walls, seats and a ladder, and perhaps a 1/6 circumference and 1/1 height "prop blocks" of different purposes (a lab, habitation, utility, blank?), which can be copypasted and combined with portholes added between them. If technically possible, it wouldn't be too repeatable and would easily cover basic cylindrical modules with little tweaking here and there. Another way to go could be a cubic IVA's with stuff painted on the walls and a little prop thrown here and there, Kerbals could even float as in weightlessness (Knes has this kind of IVA's); the only downside is that it would be more difficult to deal with portholes, I imagine. Also as a minimum you could easilly copy IVA's from another parts if they are close enough for the purpose, there are pathes for Tantares that do just that and I don't think anyone is against it. IVA's, IMO, althrough are rarely used, do add a lot to the game expirience just by players knowing they are there. It's the small things, like emissives on RCS nozzles, proper engine nozzle from a downside view or kerbals shaking their hands when idle for a long time that really create the emersive expirience in the game. Of course if you would choose not to do iva's everyone would be ok with it too, I'm not bargaining, just suggesting. Here is how it could look (I feel like my explanation was kinda bad): https://imgur.com/gallery/ExL8BGU
  8. Kvant-2 module, on which this is based was a science lab
  9. Challenge accepted A 0.625m (tweakscaled) science container capsule clipped into the stock docking port (not on the top node of the port itself) doesn't interfiere with it's functionality. Decoupling is a little tricky - in the example flight it required the help of timewarp, but it's possible to just wobble it out, and with smaller colliders it would just come out. Tantares ports, of course, have a spike inside, which, I suggest, could be resolved by a new spikeless variant with a smaller internal collider, or maybe a spike could move out with an animation - ot it could be added to Raduga's decoupler and thrown out on decoupling like a fairing panel. The capsule itself, may I suggest, could consist of 2 parts - a parachute with built-in decoupler and the capsule itself - and be in 0.625 or 0.312 m form-factor, having a functionality of a science container, probe core and a small supply of electricity, and, perhaps, a barometer and thermometer experiments. Perhaps, with added antennae and some more power it could be used as a drop-probe. https://imgur.com/gallery/QBo5bYj
  10. Do anyone know how much dV you need (in general) to land with this mod?
  11. Perhaps you cold make the engine use EC and remove the plume/sparks only to simulate using leg motors? Maybe it could also be implemented by making an animation of legs moving to go with engine firing. Adding an engine seems like a balansed and simple solution, but it limits the uses of the Frog by it's fuel tanks.
  12. +, that would be really awersome!
  13. Reddit-ish-y "Not a Nertea, but...": I'm pretty sure that posting custom .cfg's is OK, besides, if you are already asking I think you should do it in SDHI thread, because the .cfg alters it's stuff, not ReStock's. But I mean, .cfg doesn't include anything copyrighted or, at least, anything content creator would be mad for using...
  14. I do have it. Also (unrelated, but why clutter the thread) NF power manager doesn't work - solar panel output is always shown as 0, exept for the lowest altitude setting, where it is like 2k or som which is too low.
  15. Oooooh I'm in tears of joy, haven't even believed that someone would bother...
  16. Oh, can you share it? It would be so useful for some of my probes!
  17. We do not think, we're hoping, because they're cool and useful for those who do not use LFO patch for NFS. Current Monoprop tanks are too short for some purposes, and I personally ended up modifying .cfgs for CryoTanks to add Monoprop variant to all tanks. If you don't quite want to see them in the mod, maybe you could make an optional unlocking patch?
  18. I don't know actually, since i didn't modify the craft i throught I didn't need to check. Thanks, I'll check... IDK, I cannot really move the wings but maybe added weight or clipped winglets could help.
  19. Why could I be tipping over and backwards on reentry, at ~50 km? Love the mod so much, but can't use the orbiter because of terrible, unimaginable aerodynamical instability (no FAR, using crafts that are included with the mod).
  20. Sounds mildly interesting from a gameplay perspective. A succesor to MK1-3? Perhaps you should ask in Kerbalism thread then
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