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Taco Salad

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Everything posted by Taco Salad

  1. Yup, knew it. The extra long SIV-B was the giveaway. Don't know if I've seen anyone use the F1 vacuum yet. Looks great by the way.
  2. Ohhh yes. I KNOW what's in that interstage. First time I've seen anyone here actually use that variant.
  3. Getting a strange bug. The verniers on the Pele SRB are INCREDIBLY over tuned. They also don't vector correctly and send the rocket careening.
  4. Alright I'm on the beta, having some issues with the Prometheus/Titan radial decoupler now. Right clicking on it causes the menu to pop up all bugged, and then completely prevent right clicking on any part till I close and re open the VAB. Here's the KSP log. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/992jw84cwqr2g6jblsn8l/KSP.log?rlkey=7movmv13yk2cnap8dpjr462ub&st=gr5zfj5r&dl=0
  5. Wow, I am surprised I've NEVER seen these satellites till now. They look like toys instead of real spacecraft. The models are looking great so far.
  6. Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine here's an imgur album link. I should stop being lazy and start using image hosting so my stuff doesn't have an expiration date. https://imgur.com/a/Z9lvcrE
  7. I have decided to take the Next Logical Step in rocket technology, my own Wonderful rendition of a """space shuttle""" Forgoing such fanciful ideas like "Reusable rockets" and "technological advancement" and instead going with what definitely works and is assuredly cheaper. Mass producing the same engine and just changing it a bit. 4 sea level J-2's for the first stage, second stage powered by one sea level J-2. Heavily inspired by the NLS and crafted with love to be the catalyst for endless armchair arguments over its practicality in this fake worlds inevitable internet.
  8. OH I forgot about this part. Wish it was a docking piece itself instead of being a row of parts nodes. Though it's probably supposed to go with the flat construction ports that also got added, the small ones.
  9. Oh it's stable Oh yeah baby it's time. 40% of the time spent making the lander, 40% spent making it a BIT more stable, 19% making it STOP exploding on launch and 1% spent making the rest of it. Sadly I had to sacrifice 3/4 of the surface sampling probes due to part count but I DID IT, It's GONNA work.
  10. NOPE, 24 H-1's, NO upgrades. Having all your engines lighting be a total crapshoot keeps things interesting.
  11. Had a thought, what about an engine mount like this but for the Atlas III variant of the RD-180? Cool hollow mount like this that lets us connect stuff to the fuel line cleanly.
  12. ALWAYS love seeing more generic and ahistorical parts like this. Love me some funky kitbashing.
  13. Oh for some reason my post saying this DID work and it's fixed didn't go through. Thanks for the help guys.
  14. If you mean infernal robotics next, no. I do have community fixes though.
  15. None of them are autostrutted, made sure of this. The weird part is, when it does snap straight, it holds there for a while and then slowly rotates back into position, so I'm thinking it's trying to point -180 degrees going in the wrong direction.
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