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The Dressian Exploder

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Posts posted by The Dressian Exploder

  1. Pretty sure Sterling Systems has a gas core nuclear thermal rocket in both closed and open cycle varieties; you'd have to build a spacecraft around it though. Alternatively there's also the older Atomic Age mod, which I believe also has a gas core NTR. As for visuals, I can best recommend KSRSS at:https://gitlab.com/ksrss/KSRSS which will replace the stock system with the real solar system at a stock scale. Combine this with Environmental Visual Enhancements, Scatterer, TUFX (plus a good config),  PlanetShine, Distant Object Enhancement, Shaddy, and Deferred as well, and you'll have a pretty damn nice looking install. If you're taking any shots near the surface of a planet you might want to add Parallax too. If you want a working spacecraft as well as one that looks nice you might also want to grab Heat Control for some big, powerful, pretty-looking radiators. Other mods that could be useful for actually constructing the spacecraft could be Near Future Construction for big trusses as the main body of a spacecraft, Near Future Electrical or Solar for fisson and solar power generation respectively, Stockalike Station Parts for any crewed section, and if your design calls for it, Coriolis Space Systems has tethers for any spin-gravity shenanigans you might desire. If, aside from the beauty shots, you also want to show off the functionality of the spacecraft design you use in your render, Kronal Vessel Viewer has some handy tools for making blueprint-like design images.

  2. Have you considered making a 'propeller engines' category for mods like Airplane Plus? It seems that currently all the props are in the miscellaneous category, and I think there's enough of them both in Airplane Plus and other mods to warrant them having their own category. Helicopter turboshaft engines and tail rotors could potentially go in their own category as well.


    EDIT: Looking through the config, it appears this exists, but given that the prop engines all appear in the 'Miscellaneous' category I'm guessing that the prop engines category needs to be defined somewhere.

  3. Have you considered automating the categorisation of parts to some extent through looking through a part's config and adding it to a category if it satisfies certain criteria (e.g an engine might be added to the liquid fuel category if it contains an engine module which uses LiquidFuel and Oxidiser)
    Not entirely sure how feasible it would be to do with something like an MM patch but if it's possible it would add compatibility to a lot of mods without requiring configs be made.

  4. The Space Program I am playing in this race is run by the glorious Empire of Grand Krozempf.
    More specifically, it is the Grand Imperial Aeronautics Research and Development Institiute for Aerial Superiority (GIARDIAS). Most, however call it Paper Aeronautics, thanks to its extensive use of paper for scale test models during material shortages in the Second War of National Unity.  Unofficially, it uses a derivative of the Imperial flag reflective of this.


    With the Second War of National Unity ended, in a triumphant victory for the Empire, a slew of new technologies developed for the conquest of enemies may now be applied elsewhere; the conquest of the stars!

    Paper Aeronautics is still an aircraft agency though, and it has proper testing to run on the Air Force's designs, first.


    The I-47 Rocket Interceptor is a fairly crude design from the Second War of National Unity -made most evident in its use of skids, as was fairly common for aircraft during the war as rubber was hard to source and ground vehicles generally took priority. This particular I-47 is being launched from Round Range, a reconnaisance and communications station built during the war, that was briefly used as a logistics hub in its closing stages before being turned over to Paper Aeronautics as a testing grounds and future rocket launch site.


    The war austerity design also featured fairly crude wings bodged together out of low-grade sheet metal. It makes the stall speed fairly high -generally not an issue for landing due to the speeds involved with rocketplanes, but means that takeoff is assisted by a pair of solid rocket boosters.


    Some data on the aircraft's performace would be recorded, along with noting some meteorological readouts from the interceptor's instruments. With that out of the way, it was time to land.


    ...The I-47 is a notoriously difficult to land craft, despite the robust skids. Thus the overturn onto the aircraft's fragile wings was not entirely unanticipated.

    Still, it was a succesful flight, and provided useful information that would be used in a subsequent redesign, one that Paper Aeronautics were keen to test the capabilities of.


    While most of the staff of Paper Aeronautics was busy overseeing the construction of a new rocket launch pad (right), the I-47 Mk.II would be tested for the first time. Immediately noticeable were its improved handling thanks to englarged control surfaces and higher production quality wings. This version of the I-47 did not require its solid rocket motors for takeoff, but would be used on this flight for a different purpose...


    This I-47 would use its solid rocket motors to increase speed once in level flight -assuring the Empire that its interceptors would continue to be effective as other nations began to field jet aircraft capable of breaking the sound barrier. Indeed, the I-47 Mk.II easily surpassed the sound barrier, continuing to reach a speed just in excess of 500m/s -it would be a while before any jet aircraft could match this speed in level flight.


    Landing back at Round Range reveals the other feature pilots will be relieved about -proper wheels with tyres. Now that the war is won, greater access to rubber has been secured and mass production of vehicles using rubber tyres is once again feasible.

    But the Empire is not done yet! Paper Aeronautics has a rocket to launch.


    On the new 4MA-TOR launch pad at Round Range stands a rocket. A fairly common sight during the Second War of National Unity, an LRB-16 Long Range Artillery Rocket. Rockets like this were used extensively as they were simple to manufacture, and could be configured in a variety of different ways for different purposes. Costs and production times were kept down by the use of a single solid rocket motor throughout all versions of Grand Krozempf's artillery rockets. Many would only use one, but for longer range attacks more were clustered together in multiple stages. The LRB-16 here used by Paper Aeronautics is pretty much the longest range configuration used, though this will not be used to bombard targets, rather it will pierce the heavens and return a scientific payload from beyond the Kerman Line. 



    The night launch made it a little difficult to see the rocket once it was out of the glare of 4MA-TOR's floodlights. Still, stage separations were successful.


    We'll reach the Mun someday.


    But for now, space just above Kerbin will have to do. Much science was done.


    Before re-entering the atmosphere, the payload was turned on its side and spun up to evenly distribute the heat. This ensures a nice, consistent cook and makes serving a more pleasant experience for everyone. Some have voiced concerns about the heat of re-entry damaging experiments, but clearly they do not know the strength of Grand Krozempf's glorious materials.

    The payload made it down successfully, leaving only one way for Paper Aeronautics to go: upwards!

    Quite useful then, that given all the new technologies we've just researched, the Air Force wants us to design some new modules for future rocket artillery. Something about city-destroying bombs being sent across a continent to distant rivals. I'm sure it won't amount to much.


    Glory to the Grand Empire!

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