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Posts posted by Friznit

  1. Reworking old stuff would be great but adding some new would be cool too if you have the enthusiasm for it.  I'm thinking things like Tsyklon, Dnepr, Start or even Angara would round out the mod nicely!

    As an aside, and speaking as a campaign player, it would be nice to have more compatibility patches for things like Life Support and ISRU included where relevant to give the parts more utility in a campaign game.  I've knocked up a bunch for Snacks because I happen to be using that in my latest play through, although I suspect they're not very well-balanced.

  2. On 5/14/2020 at 5:36 PM, capi3101 said:

    Alright, finally took the opportunity to try out OSE again with my 1.8.1 save a few days ago; I haven't upgraded to 1.9.x yet so this report is probably worthless. Prognosis is that it still ain't working - gets up to 100% and then hangs without finishing up the print.

    Best I can tell is that where Pathfinder is concerned, something in the code is unable to register the amount of storage space available in each of the modules and so OSE can't figure out where to put what it is you've built. The one in the picture was using a Pondarosa/Blacksmith; at least it's showing 200,000 liters of storage space at the top. For the Workshop module in the Castillo Factory it's showing zero, when it should have KIS space available. Angel says it's nothing on his end.

    Log file for the session from which this screenshot came is here. Using KSP 1.8.1, KIS 1.24, Pathfinder 1.35 and Workshop 1.2.14 among other mods.


    Did you find a workaround for this?  I'm having the same issue.

  3. Here's a very simple MM patch that adds a little bit of ore, some Life Support resources for either Snacks! or TAC-LS, and a couple of experiment slots for WBI Pathfinder.  It would be neater using B9 Partswitch but that would add a mod dependency.  Resource balance is very rough based on other parts of about the same size.



    //Adds 600 Ore and Life Support for either Snacks! or TAC-LS, depending which you have installed.
            name = Ore
            amount = 0
            maxAmount = 600
            name = Snacks
            amount = 0
            maxAmount = 1000
            name = FreshAir
            amount = 0
            maxAmount = 500
            name = Food
            amount = 50
            maxAmount = 50
            name = Water
            amount = 30
            maxAmount = 30
            name = Oxygen
            amount = 4500
            maxAmount = 4500

    //Add two experiment slots for use with Angel's WBI Pathfinder mod
            name = WBIModuleScienceExperiment
            experimentID = WBIEmptyExperiment
            defaultExperiment = WBIEmptyExperiment
            experimentActionName = Do Nothing
            resetActionName = Reset Nothing
            useStaging = False
            useActionGroups = True
            hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
            xmitDataScalar = 0.0001
            dataIsCollectable = False
            interactionRange = 1.2
            rerunnable = False
            resettable = False
            usageReqMaskInternal = 1
            usageReqMaskExternal = 8
            name = WBIModuleScienceExperiment
            experimentID = WBIEmptyExperiment
            defaultExperiment = WBIEmptyExperiment
            experimentActionName = Do Nothing
            resetActionName = Reset Nothing
            useStaging = False
            useActionGroups = True
            hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
            xmitDataScalar = 0.0001
            dataIsCollectable = False
            interactionRange = 1.2
            rerunnable = False
            resettable = False
            usageReqMaskInternal = 1
            usageReqMaskExternal = 8
            name = WBIExperimentManifest
            defaultExperiment = WBIEmptyExperiment



  4. 1 hour ago, Trevor_Grizzly said:

    Not between male and female ports, not. Just between a male probe and a female docking port. If I remember correctly what I'm trying to snap together is an octans docking port (the one with the extendable probe) and an eridani female docking drogue.

    You need to use the same make of docking port for both sides, so Octans to Octans or Eridani to Eridani.  Octans to Eridani won't work, even though they look vaguely similar.

  5. 14 minutes ago, sslaptnhablhat said:

    Why does it seem as if everyone is obsessed with craft files for Tantares? Isn't it more fun trying to make your own crafts?

    I guess a lot of people want to recreate historical craft and Soviet/Russian spacecraft are not as well documented as other nations, as I discovered when trying to summarise things on the Tantares wiki.  A fair amount of info you dig up is speculative or simply bold assertions written by forum warriors who are often as misleading as the sources they are quoting!

  6. 5 hours ago, Pappystein said:

    Do you mean the LMSS?   because I am racking my brain (not a hard thing to do today) to remember what GMSS stands for.

    It's what the Leo Modular Space Station is called if you're running the real names patch :)

    Not sure which the depot parts are you are referring to @zakkpaz .  There are habitation modules, crew labs, airlocks and a bunch of docking ports as well as the Advanced Gemini logistics containers.  All of it is still there.

  7. 2 hours ago, sslaptnhablhat said:

    Where are the Titan II velocity adjustment motors supposed to go exactly? I know they go next to the second stage engine or something, but I can't really figure it out. Also, would it be possible to look into making white variants of the Titan I ullage motors and generic Titan separation motors?

    SM-68B second stage  tucked under the engine mount.  Apparently they didn't feature on the 23G or GLV.

  8. 15 hours ago, Drakenex said:

    now on a more serious note, you meant this?



    Yep that's what he meant, though I confess I couldn't find a hex part with a node offset so I had to manually tweak and rotate it.


    Ref PMAs on Unity.  I had them the wrong way up on the wiki guide before.  Now corrected.  In the craft file I have PMA-3 in its final position where it was moved in 2017 before getting the IDA attached last year

  9. 1 hour ago, Morphisor said:

    Hey everyone, I have a question for those who play career with BDB and are interested in the contracts that are now bundled with this mod.

    Currently, they have been made to loosely resemble the original, historical counterpart as it actually flew. But they have been made different in a couple of ways, including randomisation, in order to allow more science situations to be part of them. The result is though, that in the appropriate scale and OSO contract for example, is not possible with a historically correct build, due to the Delta C rocket not having enough delta-v.

    So we had a little discussion as a result: should the contracts be closer to their historical counterparts, at the cost of the science you can do with em?

    I'm leaning towards the more randomised ones, simply because if you want full on historical missions, there's already a separate contract pack for that.  I think in the spirit of BDB, the bundled missions should encourage a bit of legoing.

  10. 4 hours ago, Kilo60 said:


    Is it possible to combine the Old and New Tantares or do the files overwrite?

    I believe you can.  It's also relatively straight forward to fix the craft file manually.  I started writing instructions but then thought to hell with it, I'll fix my own craft file! :P  It's by no means perfect and there are still a few bits missing (canadarm etc) but it's a good base from which to build on.

    Get it from github here (right click and save as..) 


  11. 10 minutes ago, derega16 said:

    The chart looks like it need to change a lot. I just lofted 10 t Munarlander descent stage to TMI with Titan IVB+Centaur T in JNSQ with 400m/s to spare on centaur after TMI (only to fond it can't dock with ascent stage because descent's anthena intersect with one of ascent's engine). So LKO is likely much more than that

    Try hitting 100x100 orbit with the same payload and see how you get on.  This is a very specific mission profile and Titan IVB probably isn't the best choice for it.  Indeed it will be interesting to see how they all stack up given a different mission profile - I have no doubt that likes of Titan IV, Delta IV, Saturn V and indeed Atlas II will come much higher up the list.

  12. 56 minutes ago, derega16 said:

    Can anyone explain why in payload chart list LKO payload of saturn V (about 9t) lower than I (10t)? It make no sense


    1 hour ago, Zorg said:

    There are some errors in that chart. Friz will make a fixed version at some point.

    Kinda sorta - this is a chart for single specific mission profile: payload capacity to 100x100 LKO.  In the case of Saturn V, it's designed for lobbing things to the Moon and a lot of the potential payload capacity is taken up by the mass of the third stage, which is used for the Trans Lunar Insertion.  In this case you can either consider the third stage as part of the payload, or just remove the third stage altogether (i.e. see Saturn INT-21) and the capacity to LKO shoots up to 58t.

    I could include the mass of upper stages in the payload numbers for rockets optimised for higher orbits but that might be confusing.  I might just do a second chart with a different mission profile since after all, the intended use of this is to give a very rough steer as to which rocket family to use for a given payload mass.

  13. 44 minutes ago, Pappystein said:

    First off thanks for reaching out about your concern!  

    I know you have been playing KSP for a lot of time but the link below is still your best first step to get a solution.  



    Other than that, I have a suggestion for you, one that some people won't agree with:  QUIT using CKAN... Or alternatively if you feel compelled to use CKAN; EVERY TIME you have a new mod update.  DELETE your KSP folder and start with a fresh install!

    My opinion and why:

      Hide contents

    First off not all mods support CKAN.

    If you do a clean install in KSP every-time you update ANY SINGLE mod,  CKAN is completely, 99% perfectly* reliable.   Sadly that can take a LOT OF TIME to do!  As soon as you start updating individual mods and NOT doing a complete wipe and fresh install of KSP, CKAN can (not will) leave "artifacts" of old game files... and sometimes fully operable OLD game files when you "delete" a mod from your playlist.   This alone can cause HUGE issues... And is the reason I no longer use CKAN.   In Short, CKAN add a whole mess of variables that make it MUCH HARDER to troubleshoot where a problem is actually coming from.

    I did a test over 6 months on two different computers using the EXACT SAME mods and updating within minutes of each other.   With CKAN, my GameData folder grew to 5.3Gb of data while Manual install I was at 4.7Gb of data!   Now that was over 150 mod updates, un-installs and re-installs in a 6 month period.   Extra data means extra data that can cause problems with other mods.  In looking in my "big" GameData folder, I found multiple copies of some mods or files, I found Obsolete files (that were depreciated removed out of mods) and I found multiple copies of the ModuleManager.dll   So to avoid problems don't use CKAN is my opinion.   It is adding a layer of complexity with problems of it's own, onto an already complex process to "make it easier," to the end user.

    *Baring issues with the CKAN submission itself!


    This is not a CKAN thread but I do feel the need to offer a counterpoint - I've used it extensively for BDB and other mods and never had a problem.  It cleans up just find after itself.  YMMV etc.

    Speaking of Depth Masks, one thing I would love to see is a recessed antenna dish.  I'm sure they must be a thing.

  14. 16 hours ago, Svish said:

    Maybe it's already there and I'm just not seeing it, but is there an Experiment Storage Unit wedge for this? If not, would it be possible to add? Always unsure where to place the stock one, and would be so nice if I could just place it as a wedge on a USII core. :)

    Since MechJeb got added to every core by default, the US2 Guidance Computer became a bit redundant but it makes a terrific experiment storage unit.  Simple MM patch:

            name = ModuleScienceContainer
            reviewActionName = Review Stored Data // #autoLOC_502201 //#autoLOC_502201 = Review Stored Data
            storeActionName = Store Experiments  //#autoLOC_502202 //#autoLOC_502202 = Store Experiments
            evaOnlyStorage = True
            storageRange = 1.3
            canBeTransferredToInVessel = True
            canTransferInVessel = True
            showStatus = True


  15. 2 hours ago, moguy16 said:

    Where exactly in github?i am not really familiar with how it works. Thanks

    Go to the Tantares wiki via the link in OP of this thread (or my sig block below); click the "Code" tab and you'll see all the craft files listed. You can right click and save link as... on an individual craft file or download the lot in a zip file using the green "clone or download button"

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