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Posts posted by Ogberi

  1. 2 hours ago, dok_377 said:

    What do you think? As usual, just going to introduce more features that are not necessarily needed and pile even more bugs on top (not intentionally, of course. I'm not saying that they do this on purpose), with some fixes for the previous ones. I follow the development of this game from like 2013, maybe even longer than that, and to be fair, I NEVER seen even one singular release devoted to just fixing bugs and nothing else (I'm talking about major releases, not about x.x.1 x.x.2 x.x.3 etc). If you are implying that I can't be 100% sure that they are not going to do a release of just bugfixes - maybe you are correct. But the history of releases says me something completely different. I would be absolutely surprised if they are going to listen and the next patch is going to only fix bugs. If that happens, I'm going to be the first at the door screaming at the top of my lungs that I wasn't correct and how much I regret saying stuff like this. But for now, we have what we have. 

    I have worked with a software package for the last 13 years that I hate. The vendor has a horrible habit of bundling bugfixes with 'enhancements', which invariably break things.  I have literally yelled at the CEO of said vendor, 'FIX THE BUGS, RELEASE A PATCH AND DO NOT ADD ENHANCEMENTS.' To his face. In a meeting, with my CEO present.


    I'm still employed, but nothing changed. We still get patches with enhancements & bugfixes, which usually break unrelated things. It is the nature of the beast, and indeed of 90% of the software vendor behavior. No matter what the application. Bugfix only patches are generally issued to correct an issue that critically breaks the app. This is just life, and we have to play by the rules set beyond our control. I'm not bitter, I simply sigh and start testing. Again.

    But at the end of the day, KSP is a great game, it isn't critically broken, and I have the option to stay at an earlier release that works. That is good enough until a newer version fits my needs.

  2. On 12/27/2019 at 9:25 AM, Bej Kerman said:

    The other day, I made a reusable launcher made to lift ~1.2 kilotons into orbit. Then, I crashed it into the VAB. I'll leave the rest to the imagination.

    Then you're good at making up unique ways to torture and kill your Kerbals :)

    Well, using the new breaking ground srbs, an SSTO with a command chair is possible. Reentry is a bit more...unreliable.. and I just thought, "Can I put tourists in command chairs?" Gotta go check.

  3. Daniel and Jorge explain the universe is one of my favorites. Lots of science topics, easy to digest, and it's interesting.

    As is the Drunks and dragons podcast. DND fifth edition play. Hilarious, but not safe for work or little kids. I enjoy playing DND, for the story, the combat, doing off the wall stuff that drives the DM nuts, and the fun of hanging out with a bunch of like minded geeks. 

    I browse a few others as the mood strikes me, but in all honesty the severe monetization (commercials every few minutes) is pushing me away from podcasts on Spotify. 

  4. yup, USA. Born in Tennessee, lived in florida the last 30 someodd years. I'm a 42 year old diabetic Systems and Network admin. Once in awhile I do eat unhealthy, same as once in awhile I love a good two fingers of 18 year aged Irish whiskey.  My wife loves food, as do I, and she has introduced me to many things I had heard of but never tried. She is a first rate Cook, and at the moment is thinly slicing a Jewish brisket for dinner tonight.

    Mostly I eat healthy, but sometimes good 'ole soul food is the thing I crave. Gotta go, my turn to go slice. :) happy holidays to all, whatever and wherever you are! We're all human!


    P.S. +1 on the schwarma!

  5. I use to have an old Logitech Force 3d controller. The inputs got jittery, as it is OLD. My wonderful wife bought me a Logitech x52 hotas to replace it. Once calibrated and mapped, it is super easy to use in ksp as a flight controller for rockets and planes. But the sheer number of buttons, sliders, hats, and wheels makes it super suitable for orbital and docking operations. 

    I love flight sims (acrobatics rock) and it performs excellently. Very precise and responsive. Not the cheapest, but worth it to me.


  6. I was frustrated at first by the learning curve, but once I read up on basic orbital mechanics, things clicked and I really started enjoying the game. Both for career modes, and just fooling around in sandbox. I can easily kill 3-4 hours in one setting, and have done many sunrise to sunset sessions (real Earth time). 

    This game appeals to my nerdiness, and redneck appreciation of 'more power' and stuff blowing up. And my love of Space exploration.

  7. Brussels Sprouts. I try one once in awhile, just to check, but still really dislike them.

    One thing I absolutely love is to go catch a mess of blue crabs (about 15 min from my home), clean 'em, season 'em, put a dollop of garlic butter in the middle, and put them on the smoker. Low and slow. It'll change your life. Flavor is incredible!


  8. 3 hours ago, Zeiss Ikon said:

    IT organizations have a hard time of it when it comes to upgrades.  They have to test everything they support internally against the new version, and make it work (by hook or by crook).  It's often the case that they'll put off upgrading as long as they can because of this, and large organizations have been known to pay out large fees to software vendors to continue some level of support for another year or two.

    No doubt. Me and 3 cohorts finished a 75 machine reload/replace upgrade in March to get rid of all the windows 7 boxes on the network. That was hell.

  9.  If you can't spring for a newer machine, what i can recommend is to max out your ram, and to invest in a solid state hard drive.  

    The extra ram helps the most, the ssd speeds up loading and the inevitable swapping to disk when ram runs low.

    My rig is an i7-2600k, 12gb of ram, 500gb ssd, gt1070 with 8gb.  Takes about 250-300 parts before any noticeable lag in space, 200 or so on a planet. Detail and gfx cranked to max.

  10. I sent a 10 wheeled bohemoth of a Rover to Duna. 7 Kerbals aboard.  

    And forgot to move the ladder a touch so the poor kerbal could climb back on board. She just hits her head on the ladder. KAS time...

    All 7 times I tried and failed to stick the landing and had to revert to the vab to fix it. At least the 8th time was the charm, and now I'm scienceing and researching the heck out of duna. BG makes it much more interesting.

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