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Posts posted by Elro2k

  1. So I noticed this the other day when playing with TAC Life Support. For the cargo dragon 2 capsule, I have to choose between monopropellant and supplies. Is there a plan to change this so that the monopropellant is always included, and is separated from the optional cargo selection? @Damon

    Additionally, I'm having trouble with docking. I'm not sure how the actuation toggles work on dragon, but any translation I give seems to fire off more than one set of thrusters. IE, if I'm translating left, it also fires the RCS for forward and backward. I'd change the toggles myself but I can't tell how they're labeled on the capsule part.

  2. 21 hours ago, Sky Kerman said:

    Hello! I’m having a bit of trouble with the construction of the shuttle for atmospheric flight.

    I’ve built multiple shuttles, one of them identical to the ones shown on mod page, and some with different fuel levels and payload bay configurations.

    All of them seem to be back heavy no matter what I do. Is there a way to fix this?

    Unfortunately this is the problem with all shuttles. It is infamously imbalanced, even in the real world. This is why the RS-25 engines gimbal so much, to correct for the ever-changing center of mass in the rocket. For launching shuttles, I'd recommend MechJeb as your autopilot. I always use it for shuttle missions. For atmospheric flight, use the mod Atmosphere Autopilot. I also have problems flying the shuttle back to land, but so did the real pilots. It really is a brick with wings.

  3. Hey everyone! I'm having a bit of trouble getting Kerbalism and TAC Life Support to play together. I downloaded Kerbalism with the science only config, as I was under the impression that the science only config wouldn't interfere with any other life support mods. However, every time I open up the game I get this message. 



    This "Unloaded Vessel Processing" setting is pretty important, since it keeps all crafts up to date on life support. Is there a fix to this issue that doesn't involve disabling that TAC setting? Thanks!

  4. Hey friends! I have a few questions regarding the Venus Flyby mission. So I'm trying to replicate it for my first planetary flyby contract in my new career mode, using Eve as my Venus substitute. So here are the questions: How exactly do I go about it? Obviously I complete the interplanetary burn with the S-IVB stage, but what about after that? I assume I would then convert the S-IVB to the lab configuration, but what about after the flyby? The CSM doesn't seem to have enough Delta V to perform a return burn, at least not while attached to the lab. Was the real mission meant to undock with the lab right after the venus flyby? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me considering the CSM doesn't have enough room for supplies. Or is there another kind of maneuver that I'm not thinking of performing?  Should I wait to convert the S-IVB to the lab after using it to perform a Eve to Kerbin burn? I suppose I'm just trying to figure out the steps that were intended with this craft. Thanks to anyone willing to help me figure this one out!

  5. On 5/17/2023 at 10:54 AM, lyriclemon said:

    Hello, I'm having problems also with whitelisting parts. What do you mean with moddifying the config files, how do you do it?

    Ok so the fix is super simple, but there are quite a few steps. Firstly, go into your game data folder and open the restock folder. From there, you'll see a file called "patches"

    Open that folder, and find the part you want to change back to the stock design. For the screenshots below, I've chosen the service bay, but this will work for all parts. Open the config file, and look for this section:



    Add "_disable" to the part. I'm pretty sure you could add anything here, it's just to break the link in the config. Anyway, after that, go back to your restock folder in gamedata. Find the file with the file type "RESTOCKBLACKLIST"

    Create a duplicate of this file, and change the file type to "RESTOCKWHITELIST"

    Open it in wordpad, and add whatever part you want to change back to stock. For now, I only have the service bays listed in my white list



    Hope this helps!

  6. 2 hours ago, tater said:

    I don't care what he's a fan of, I think I saw one of his videos a year or two ago and found him annoying to listen to (and not telling me anything I didn't already know).

    Very true, most of his videos are op-ed style, and very opinionated. I mostly stick with Marcus House for weekly updates, and CSI Starbase whenever they decide to bless us with a video.

  7. 26 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

    The Eyes Turned Skyward Saturn 1C is a fairly unrealistic design. I could make several arguments as to why, but there's one big one - nothing like it was ever studied IRL. No monotank S-1, no single F-1, etc. So in terms of plausibility it's more or less off the table. Something that comes up a lot is, as great as ETS is, it wasn't researched and written to the same standard as later space alt histories. The Saturn 1C is the result of the combination of switching to an orbital rather than lunar program, along with the authors' desire to keep the F-1 in production.

    Additionally, wouldn't a single F-1 engine not have the TWR necessary to lift the 1C? If I recall correctly, the 1C has some kind of uprated F-1. Gotta say though, I absolutely love the aesthetic of the 1C. Probably my favorite fictional Apollo era rockets. It's got all the right combined looks of the Space Shuttle, Saturn V and Saturn 1B.

  8. Hello! I'm having a hard time getting rid of one of restocks parts. I like the look of the stock 1.25 service bay, and have already created a white list within the restock game data folder. But that didn't seem to work. I've also looked through the github resources and still cannot find a solution to this problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


    EDIT - I figured it out! Didn't realize I had to change the config files in addition to white listing the parts. If anyone else is having an issue I'll be happy to help!

  9. On 5/3/2023 at 3:50 AM, GoldForest said:

    Thanks for the craft file! Quick question, I tried to load it into the game, but it still says it's missing parts. Is there another notable mod you can remember using for this rocket? The C-8B craft works just fine, but the regular C-8 is missing "strut connector heavy"

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