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Everything posted by DNKKING

  1. In my research, they say that the other name for dark matter is black energy. With a black energy, why Endromed moving away not of we ?
  2. The astronomers have seen that the galaxies are moving away, it is at that moment that they understood that a force separated them. He called this dark matter force. The dark matter do that the galaxies are moving away.
  3. The Nasa have a space war with Russe Fédéral Space Agency
  4. Yes It's true. Olrik said this on the page.
  5. Show this page to those people who are at home in front of their camera to make a video criticizing NASA.
  6. Yours UFO is good, can it go inte space ?
  7. You have friends who say that the man did not go to the moon or you say that the man did not go to the moon. For the conspiracist who says that the man did not go to the moon, here is a page that shows evidence that NASA says true. They explain the phenomenon on the photos as: Floating flag, the fact that there are no stars. What's your opinion ? If you know how to enlarge the image, tell me.
  8. They must always go to trusted people or the most frequented shops.
  9. Where is the vidéo ? the photo album must contain the pictures of the craft in the space.
  10. According to rumors, NASA would have created the rocket Apollo 18,19 and 20. It would have carried out these missions in secret.
  11. 8 billion, where does all this money come from?
  12. http://www.kerbalspaceprogram.fr/tutoriel-les-avions-pour-les-nuls-oui-cest-possible/ Est le version française du forum Kerbal Ci-dessous. Créateur: kepin Version française: Varsass
  13. TT system. TT system or Time Travel system allows a rocket to travel in time.
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