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Posts posted by 1FingerSalute

  1. Great Mod kylelander, thanks for making it and making it look so good!

    The only issue I have is with MechJeb's "Approach and Landing Autopilot". It still has Kerbin's runways listed in it.

    I've found the config file that is used in MechJeb but I have no idea how to alter it accurately for the KSC, Airforce and Shuttle landing strips. 

    Can anyone help?

  2. As far as the plumes go... it looks to me like both Waterfall and RealPlume are both active on most engines. Now this isn't really a bad thing.... I kinda love it! They seem to compliment each other.:happy:

    Now as far as bugs go... I've seen many.

    Trying to go EVA from one of the station cores sent Bill for a heck of a ride! It launched him out the door at breakneck speed! Barely had enough Mono to get back in.

    I tried to attach a spark Engine (i think) to the service module and the VAB froze until I exited the VAB and reopened the ship.

    I'm going to continue using SSTU in this 1.12.2 save despite the bugs, I would really like to see Shadowmage update this mod but it is after all his choice.

  3. I'd like to take a moment to say that this mod looks absolutely fantastic! 

    I just sent a probe to venus, as it approached the surface on a side that was in the dark at the time of landing, I turned on the nightvision camera to see an incredibly detailed terrain. It looked more real than I could ever expect it to.

    After wiping the drool away, I time warped to the morning.... the whole atmosphere from the surface was incredible. It didn't look like a game.

    Funny thing is I didn't even install the highest res textures, I used the 8192 x 4096 textures!

    I'd just like to thank you guy's, This game has been transformed into an awesome simulator and this old guy now has a permagrin. :cool:

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