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  1. Scansat has been compatible with every planet pack I've tried. If a planet has biomes, Scansat can create a map showing the biomes, and give you science for doing so. Similarly, elevations and resource concentrations can be mapped.
  2. Someone else already mentioned Tweakscale Rescaled. It's a fairly new fork that automatically detects parts and needs no companion modules. Link below.
  3. It works well at 2.5x. A Knes rocket at 2.5x will be built similarly to its real-world counterpart, and use similar staging.
  4. How would diseases operate in your theoretical world? Many diseases aren't the result of being "old" but rather build up over time. Things like cancer, clogged arteries, background radiation, or wear & tear on our joints build up over time. If the biological aging process halted at 30, people that physically look 30 years old might still be dying after 100 years of life. If diseases still work much like they do today, and evolved along with a modified humanity, people would not be immortal. On the other hand, if these magical humans are immune to disease, the world would be vastly different: No one would care about the environment because there wouldn't be any health ramifications from pollution. The entire world would be a Superfund site. Burn coal because no one can get lung disease. Use unshielded nuclear reactors because cancer can't get us. Nuclear weapons might be a commonly-used weapon because fallout wouldn't be a concern. Nuke your neighbor and immediately rebuild in their flattened cities. The world population would exceed the feasible food supply. The oceans would be completely depleted of fish. Economically powerful nations would have factory farming on a scale we can barely imagine, and weak nations would starve into nonexistence. Mandatory sterilization at birth might be a worldwide law to manage that starvation. Only a few people could have children to replace 30 years olds that died from murder or accidents. Old ideas would persist because the old people who hold those ideas would still be alive. Maybe we'd still be burning "witches". Society would change much slower than it does in the real world.
  5. Are you playing with or without mods? Without mods, RAPIER is the fastest jet engine but might not be able to reach 1800 ms as a jet. Use its rocket mode for the final burst of speed. 1800 ms risks nose overheating. Don't use the typical Mk1 pointed nose because it doesn't have high heat tolerance. Use a high heat tolerance air intake or nosecone, or mk2 cockpit despite extra drag. There are a lot of weird designs you can try without using RAPIER at all. You could try a rocket plane with droppable jet engines to shed weight after climbing, or try a normal jet with radial or wingtip SRBs.
  6. The 1st post in this thread has a "donate" button at the bottom. It goes to PayPal. Here's the link for your convenience but please be cautious about clicking random donate links. Only trust the top post. https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=ZG6JD4L8DN86S&lc=US&item_name=Chris Adderley&currency_code=CAD&bn=PP-DonationsBF%3Abtn_donate_SM.gif%3ANonHosted
  7. Don't try to paste or attach the log here. Zip it, then share it somewhere online (Google Drive, etc.), then paste the URL here to your shared file.
  8. Supported mods are completely optional. It goes into gamedata the same way as most mods. I think it will work with just about any tech tree - all parts should end up in a node even if the tree doesn't have specific support for KPBS.
  9. This requirement, which I agree with, leads to an odd dichotomy for paid mods. Code-based mods have to provide a free link to the source code which means anyone can get the mod for free; you're only paying for the convenience of a compiled DLL. Artwork-only mods wouldn't have to share anything for free. Mod authors could then bundle unnecessary art file bloat into code-only mods, and add obfuscated extra code to check for those files, to prevent people from compiling the code on their own. KSP DRM. I don't have a solution just pointing out this edge-case issue. Agreed it's extremely complicated and I appreciate your donated time (without asking us to join Patreon to talk here, lol). I'm glad that you saw this thread because I created it partly based on your recent moderation of a mod that recently went paid. You deleted some posts will leaving others.
  10. Hi moderators, can you clarify something for me? It's clear that the forum rules ban modders from discussing their own paid mods. What's unclear is whether the rest of us can discuss paid mods. I didn't find answers in Community Guidelines. If a different user, not the paid mod owner, releases a free mod that has a paid mod as a dependency, can said user mention the dependency? Can we ask technical questions about paid mods? Can we discuss performance differences between a free and a paid version, or is *any* mention of the paid version by *any* user disallowed?
  11. Turning Parallax into a monthly subscription is IMO unfortunate. I might pay once but will never subscribe. If Parallax 2 is in development for a year it becomes a $66 mod. That's on top of a different paid mod that cost early adopters approx. $90 and counting. Common advice to keep canceling and renewing becomes too much micromanagement, and then provides an incentive to drag out release cycles with one development update per month. I hope planet pack authors continue to support Parallax 1.
  12. Do you play with mods? If yes here are some fun timewasters: Design a brand new KSC using Kerbal Konstructs. Build an airbreathing jet (without any engines that can run in space, or if you have a dual mode engine carry no oxidizer) to flyby Mun. Mk2 Expansion has a hypersonic engine that can get enough airspeed to do this. OPT spaceplane parts might also be able to do it. It's challenging to eject from Kerbin at just the right time but even failures can be fun. Make it a drone because your vessel is likley to get lost in space. Have you ever played in career mode? Try it.
  13. There's no "correct" way to play KSP. If you have a strong desire to go interplanetary soon, I recommend doing it in the stock system before moving to JNSQ. Transfer windows are an important concept to understand and stock is more forgiving than JNSQ. The main gameplay difference changing to JNSQ is that staging becomes more important. In stock, it's fairly easy to reach orbit with a moderate 1 or 2 stage rocket. JNSQ orbital velocity is faster than stock so 2 or 3 stages are more common. I like that change because JNSQ rockets start to look more like actual rockets.
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