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Everything posted by miklkit

  1. I never used to use maneuver nodes for that, but saw some youtubers do it and tried it. Now I always do it because it is more efficient.
  2. This is your Steam install? Disable the Steam cloud and then reinstall KSP. Those files are probably there and are being reinstalled by Steam.
  3. Yes I too learned a lot from VAOS, and spaceplanes are fun.
  4. I have looked into this some more and the MK IV seems to have a 20fps hit when parked at Ike. I tried to post the log here and managed to get it here unzipped, but then it crashed the site with a "bad gateway" error. Nothing happened when I tried to post it 7zipped.
  5. Not that I know of. When getting into orbit after making the AP and then drifting up to it before burning to lift the PE to circularise the orbit, the numbers on the top left usually flicker orange and maybe some red. With the MK IV they are almost solid red while warping until it hits 70k,and the fps is lower. Currently one is on Ike where I was testing the MK2 based rover it carried up and then getting it refueled and the average fps is 43. I have built rockets up to 4500 tons that did not load my rig this much. I am not complaining but am just commenting in surprise. I just looked in the KSP folder and found a ksp.log of 4109kb. Is that large?
  6. Never realized before how heavy the MK IV is on my system. Average fps drops to 34-37 from over 100 with other smaller planes. The big OPT planes are heavy too, but not like this.
  7. I have found this bug in many cockpits and passenger modules. Possibly the Legacy parts causing it?
  8. I have not had any problems with Imgur, but I just had problems with AVG. Had to delete it and then moved to a different AV. Specific sites were being blocked.
  9. Looked into the Oulette and TAV cockpits last night. They seem to be the K shuttle cockpit but reskinned. They are incomplete, so I am going to work on something with the K cockpit. So far the KH Humpback is working out well too.
  10. Correction. I tried other OPT and the cargo bays are ok. It is just the Legacy shuttle cargo bay that has drag in it. Will do.
  11. Sorry for the late reply. This spaceplane seems to balance pretty well. It has flown 3 times. First into orbit and back down to a landing. 2nd to the Mun and back mainly to test the rover it is carrying. 3rd to Ike for a rover repair contract and then back to a random landing on Kerbin. It is well balanced, especially at 450 tons. I EVA by selecting a Kerbal in the crew pics and clicking on EVA. It does not matter which one I pick as they all exit from that same place. I am building spaceplanes using all of the cockpits as I just recently got the mods. MK2.5, MK IV, and all the OPT ones. Have not done the Ouelette and TAV ones yet. Next is a STAIL version. Oh, one thing. The MK IV has just been updated and the cargo bay no longer has drag on everything in it, but the OPT cargo bays still do have drag in them. Could that be repaired some day? The difference in performance of the MK IV is quite large.
  12. When a Kerbal EVAs from that cockpit they exit in the back, like here. What looks like a hatch at the back is nonfunctional, so they can only go back with the hatch in front. There is a fuel tank between the cockpit and the cargo bay so that may be the reason this does not work, but there should be other hatches.
  13. Thank you! May you do well in all your future endeavors. This fix turned one MKIV from barely landing on the Mun to being able to land on Ike. I did not realize the cargo bay drag made such a large difference.
  14. That is not possible on mine unless possibly I add ladders internally in that empty space behind the cockpit. When they EVA they are hanging onto the forward hatch. Once the drop down there is no way out. There looks to be a hatch on the back but it seems to be nonfunctional.
  15. Just test driving a new buggy today.
  16. Eh? What I meant to say is that once the crew is in that lower empty part of the cockpit they are trapped there. They can not get out. The only way to leave the main cockpit is by a crew transfer into the docked rover. No docked rover, no way out.
  17. Cycling through the OPT line looking for the best version for my purposes and built up an Avatar one. The crew cannot get out of the cockpit to EVA. They exit through a hatch in the back and wander around in the empty space underneath and behind the cockpit. They can transfer to a docked rover in the cargo bay tho.
  18. Outside of the big bad bug of spawning 1k above the runway, it is a brick. It is a Humpback rover carrier. A cargo plane. Here it is powering up to a 150k orbit after squashing the bug.
  19. Built a Humpback based rover carrier and it went together ok. Went to fly it and it spawned 1k up and crashed. Came here to complain and found this post. Curses, foiled again! Anyways, I tried the Beta and it did not want to go into gamedata properly. Think I managed to get it in anyway and got 30 errors. Something about Visp. Two cockpits were gone after the first try. Tried to install it again and the cockpits were there but the humpback still spawned 1k up. Went into CKAN and deleted OPT Legacy, reinstalled, and then put the Humpback ramp config and model in. It spawned correctly. Now to see if it will fly.
  20. Nothing changed, so dug deeper into the planes. It turned out to be slightly misaligned tail planes were throwing the physics way off. What should have been nose heavy planes were actually tail heavy, but it did not show up in the SPH.
  21. Ah, ok. Thanks. All but the Dll will be gone soon. Then to see if the bugs are gone.
  22. I have been hearing that there should only be one module manager in the gamedata folder. I just looked and there are a bunch. Which one should I keep?
  23. Youtube? Mike Aben and orb8ter are very thorough, but slow. Matt Lowne moves much faster bur breezes past some basics.
  24. A new OPT/MK2.5 light cargo plane. It just refueled at Ike base and made orbit. Preparing to do a gravity turn around Duna and then on to Jool with the final destination of Bop. Bringing new supplies to replace stuff used up.
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